Vanguard’s economic forecast as at 23 March 2023…
What are the benefits of reinvesting your income distributions?
Look beyond the latest dividend returns...
Weekly Investment Report (10 March 2023)
So what does it mean to be 'wealthy'?
China's economic rebound lowers the odds of a global recession...
The economic star you need to look for...
Three tips for building a good portfolio...
9 reasons for optimism...
Inflation pressures: implications for investors...
The strong dollar: Why and how long? (VIDEO)
Economic and market update...
The true cost of market timing...
5 things you should know about fees...
Shares may have bottomed...
The perils of forecasting...
Vanguard's take on the current market...
Shares sliding again...
Investors and recession...
Investment cycles - why investors need to be aware of them...
Cycles are part of life. Whether it be the cycle of day and night, seasons, tides, weather cycles from the almost weekly cycles of cold fronts that regularly blow across southeast Australia to the longer La Nina and El Nino cycles, fertility cycles, birth and death, etc. And so, cycles are also endemic to economies and investment markets. Some are regular, some just rhyme. Despite attempts to end or subdue them via economic policy and regulation the cycle lives on. Usually when we declare investment cycles dead they come back to bite us. Sometimes they bring much joy to investors but they can also bring much angst. But what are they? What causes them? And why do investors need to be aware of them?