Marriage & Divorce

Cheating on your partner, with money

Cheating on your partner, with money

Financial “infidelity” can be just as destructive as the more traditional kind. Discover just what financial infidelity might look like in your relationship and what to do if you find you’ve been lied to - or need to confess...    

The Future of Working Mothers

The Future of Working Mothers

We explore some of the challenges currently facing working Mums in Australia and whether they can expect better career opportunities, rewards and work-life balance in the future....

5 issues to consider before tying the knot...

5 issues to consider before tying the knot...

Before your big day, much of the financial talk may have been around budgeting for your wedding and planning your honeymoon. But while not nearly as exciting, there’s another vital part of your new partnership that should be considered: your future finances.

Finances can be one of the biggest sources of stress and tension in a marriage. However, open communication and careful planning now can help you avoid many problems down the road.

Here are five important areas to examine before you walk down the aisle: