real estate

7 things you need to know about the Australian property market...

7 things you need to know about the Australian property market...

The Australian housing market has started the year on a solid note with national home prices up 1.6% over the first three months according to CoreLogic. We had thought the drag of high mortgage rates would get the upper hand again but the supply shortfall is continuing to dominate…

Australian House Price Crash?

Australian House Price Crash?

A common narrative on the Australian housing market is that it’s in a giant speculative bubble propelled by tax breaks, low interest rates and “liar loans” that have led to massive mortgage stress and that it’s all about to go bust, bringing down the banks and the economy with it. Recent signs of price falls – notably in Sydney – have added interest to such a view...

The Australian Housing Market


Housing matters a lot in Australia. Having a house on a quarter acre block is part of the "Aussie dream". Housing is a popular investment destination. And the housing cycle is a key component of the economic cycle and closely connected to interest rate movements.

But in the last 15 years or so it has taken on a darker side as a surge in house prices that started in the late 1990s has led to poor affordability and gone hand in hand with surging household debt. Reflecting this, predictions of an imminent property crash bringing down the Australian economy have been repeated ad nauseam since 2003.

This note looks at the risks of a property crash, particularly given the rising supply of units, implications from the property cycle for economic growth and how investors should view it. 

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