RICK MAGGI Managing Director, Certified Financial Planner®Born in Canada, Rick Maggi, owner of Westmount Financial, is an active Financial Advisor / Financial Planner with over 35 years experience. As a private consultant, Rick’s aim is a simple one - to provide effective problem-solving solutions and ongoing support to his clients, while minimising unnecessary complexities and jargon. Rick’s broader goal is to help ‘financial advice’ evolve into a more approachable profession that all Australians can access with relative ease and confidence, regardless of personal wealth or income,Rick Maggi (Westmount Financial) is based in the Perth CBD, Western Australia.

RICK MAGGI Certified Financial Planner, Managing Director of Westmount Financial (Perth CBD).

Perth-based Financial Advisor, Rick Maggi, has been helping clients achieve financial independence for over 40 years, creating resilient investment and retirement solutions that are easier to understand and refreshingly simple to manage.

Having guided his clients through numerous economic cycles, geopolitical events, and life/family changes, Rick appreciates the importance of having easy, immediate access to well considered financial advice and ongoing support.

Westmount Financial was established in 1977.

A clear pathway.

Clarity is everything.

Achieving your financial and retirement goals, whatever they may be, is far more likely if your vision, priorities, and values, are placed front and centre.

Research suggests that clients of Financial Advisors are generally happier, wealthier, and feel more ‘in control’, and demand for authentic ‘goals-based’ financial advice has grown exponentially in recent years.

With a multitude of financial planning services now on offer, consumer choice is finally improving. And while the majority of Australians generally favour a more accessible, personalised approach, it’s important to consider what best suits your individual circumstances - there is no one size fits all solution.

Keeping it simple.

The good news is that taking the time to reflect and focus on what matters most to you should be an enjoyable, engaging experience, not necessarily a chore.

An experienced Financial Advisor can help clarify your objectives and map-out proven strategies to help you achieve your lifestyle and retirement goals, while providing ongoing support to you (and your family) along the way.

At Westmount, our aim is clear - to inform, simplify and support. We breakdown and demystify the complicated world of retirement planning and wealth management, so that our clients can make better informed financial decisions, and move forward with greater ease and confidence.

If retirement has been on your mind lately, you’ve probably been thinking about all of the possibilities…travel, hobbies, “me-time”, and just making the most of those experiences you’ve been putting off for many years. Blue skies just ahead.

At the same time, you may have been quietly doing the numbers, wondering whether you can truly afford to retire in a manner that makes you happy, or at least scale back work to a few days a week. If so, it’s important to quickly address these questions head-on.

Leaning-in and demystifying the retirement question once and for all should not only strengthen your balance sheet, but also leave you with a greater sense of calm, certainty, and confidence.

So if you’re now at a retirement crossroad, it’s important to get a second opinion from an experienced Financial Advisor.

2024: A fresh focus…

It’s already mid-year, and yet despite having successfully emerged from an economic downturn, a variety of worries continue to weigh on confidence, with inflation, interest rates, and a fragile geopolitical climate all contributing to a ‘vibecession’ in Australia.

In an uncertain environment, the ability to step back, calmly survey the landscape, and take action when necessary, can make a significant difference to your outcomes and overall peace of mind - preserving your personal wealth in the coming years will require clear perspective and a level head.

Clarity of intent is a powerful thing. So this year, consider swapping those distracting news editorials and market speculation for a stronger foundation, and a revitalised focus on creating the lifestyle you deserve.

Rick Maggi Certified Financial Planner

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