Children's Education

Saving: Lessons to teach your kids

Saving: Lessons to teach your kids

One of the most important things you can teach your kids is how to manage their money as this will help them better face the challenges of adulthood. In our world of ever advancing technology, children often don’t see physical money being exchanged. In fact, some Scandinavian countries are even doing away with physical cash altogether...



Money know-how can come from anyone, young or old. When it comes to financial wisdom, author and speaker Kylie Travers and actor and singer Charmaine Bingwa have taken their lead from the previous generation...

Investing In Your Kids Education

Investing In Your Kids Education

When kids are starting school, will your finances be ready too? You’ll often have many other financial commitments at this time - your mortgage, family holidays, insurance, grocery bills and more. If you think a fee-paying school could be on the cards, how will you cope with another big bill to pay?