
2018-19: A rough ride, but ok in the end...

2018-19: A rough ride, but ok in the end...

The past financial year saw a roller coaster ride for investors. Share markets plunged into Christmas only to rebound over the last six months. This note reviews the last financial year and takes a look at the investment outlook for 2019-20…

Don't fight the Fed, ECB, RBA...

Don't fight the Fed, ECB, RBA...

The Federal Reserve (Fed) and the European Central Bank are now looking to reduce interest rates, and here in Australia, we’re possibly looking at another two cuts as the RBA attempts to shore up the local economy. So how should investors respond?

The trade war is back

The trade war is back

After taking a back seat over the last six months as negotiations appeared to make progress the US/China trade war is back on with the President Trump – “tariff man” - ramping up tariffs on Chinese imports again and threatening more and China moving to retaliate. This note takes a simple Q & A approach to the key issues…

What does a swing to the left mean for investors?

What does a swing to the left mean for investors?

When I was in my early 20s I thought socialism might be the way to go. Two things happened. One I studied economics which led me to the conclusion that socialism/heavy state intervention doesn’t lead to the best outcome in terms of living standards for most…