Interest Rates

Rates remain unchanged...

Rates remain unchanged...

The RBA has left rates on hold at their effective lower bound of 0.1 per cent, saying, “The board remains committed to maintaining highly supportive monetary conditions until its goals are achieved.”

Let's talk about a market downturn...

Let's talk about a market downturn...

It’s always the right time to talk about long-term investing, and now might be a particularly good time…

2021 Outlook...

2021 Outlook...

Can investment returns hold up? Here is a summary of key insights and views on the investment outlook in simple point form…

Federal Budget: What it means for you and the markets...

Federal Budget: What it means for you and the markets...

A detailed summary of Federal Budget 2020, and how impacts on you and the financial markets…

Market Outlook Q&A

Market Outlook Q&A

AMP’s Dr Shane Oliver does Q&A (a worthwhile article)…

Emergency interest rate cut (and much more)...

Emergency interest rate cut (and much more)...

Today, the Reserve Bank of Australia unveiled a stimulus package of measures to “support jobs, incomes and businesses through this difficult period and they will also assist the Australian economy in the recovery.” Read on…