Market/Economic Update

04/10/11: October 2011 Snapshot

BRIC and Australia's fortunes

This snapshot steps back from the current upheaval to take a broader view of what is taking place, what it means, and why it is significant for Australian investors. Read October 2011 Snapshot

29/09/11: What the world needs now...

Have global policy makers run out of bullets?

The chronic failure of Europe to bring its debt problems under control, an ongoing flow of poor global economic data combined with alarmist comments from global officials has seen global share markets retest lows. AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver shares his views. Read Oliver's Insights

01/09/11: Spring Newsletter - 1 September 2011

Is saving the new 'black'?

In this issue, we take another look at the debt crisis, the importance of income protection and the public's new found passion for saving and thrift. Read Spring Newsletter

23/08/11: 3 simple investment rules & world recession

Digital Insights with AMP's Dr Shane Oliver...

In these two videos, Dr Shane Oliver explains the 3 simple investment rules for hard times and also looks at the likelihood of a world recession. Given recent market turmoil and global uncertainty, now more than ever is the time for investors to stick to some basic investment rules, to seek advice and know themselves.

3 simple investment rules    the likelihood of a world recession

05/04/11: April 2011 Snapshot

Black gold...

An immediate effect of recent social upheaval, which started in Tunisia and quickly spread in North Africa, has been a rapid rise in the price of oil - one of the main drivers of economic growth. And all of this, just as key economies are starting to recover. The April snapshot examines oil pricing and its economic impact as well as the oil pricing mechanisms. We take pricing a step further to the petrol pump, and assess how the national economy is placed to deal with this rapid rise in the oil price. Download PDF