Market/Economic Update

World Cup of Investing...

World Cup of Investing...

It’s been a banner year for New Zealand sport, with a world championship win in women’s netball, the narrowest of world cup losses in men’s cricket and an upcoming attempt by the All Blacks to win an historic third consecutive rugby world cup…

And it's on!

And it's on!

Some might be forgiven for thinking the wheels have fallen off Australian politics over the past decade with the same number of PM changes as Italy, a fractured Senate and “minority government” at times making sensible visionary long-term policy making hard…

What does a swing to the left mean for investors?

What does a swing to the left mean for investors?

When I was in my early 20s I thought socialism might be the way to go. Two things happened. One I studied economics which led me to the conclusion that socialism/heavy state intervention doesn’t lead to the best outcome in terms of living standards for most…

The Rough with the Smooth

The Rough with the Smooth

A key to a successful investment experience is understanding how markets behave and developing the discipline to avoid rash decisions based on short time periods. The recent performance of the Australia and New Zealand share markets drives this home….

Share markets take-off

Share markets take-off

Throw away your year-end investment statement and take another look. Since January 1st, local and global sharemarkets have been on a 'tear', defying last year's doomsayers, and rebounding by about 11% (for now)…

Outlook for 2019...

Outlook for 2019...

In this update, AMP’s Chief Economist, Shane Oliver, looks at what went wrong in 2018 (and its lessons), along with views of where 2019 is likely to go, and what to look out for. A straight forward, point by point report well worth a read…

What happened??

What happened??

Local share markets are now at a 22-month low. So what just happened and where are we headed?

A Question of Equilibrium

A Question of Equilibrium

“Sellers were out in force on the market today after negative news on the economy.” It’s a common line
in TV finance reports. But have you ever wondered that if there are so many sellers out there, who is buying?

Australian Economy: 5 Things You Should Know...

Australian Economy: 5 Things You Should Know...

For years now, many have told us that Australia is heading for an imminent recession. By contrast official forecasts have long been looking for several years of above trend growth. In the event neither has happened and we don’t see them happening anytime soon. Against this backdrop there are five things you should know about the Australian economy…