
Review of 2022, outlook for 2023...

Review of 2022, outlook for 2023...

The good news is that 2022 finally saw the world shake off the grip of Coronavirus as it transitioned from a pandemic to endemic (albeit it’s still causing problems in China). However, the past year turned out far more difficult for investors than might have been thought a year ago…

Inflation pressures: implications for investors...

Inflation pressures: implications for investors...

It’s often said you don’t realise how good something is until it’s gone. This may apply to the low inflation environment that prevailed up to the pandemic…

Vanguard's take on the current market...

Vanguard's take on the current market...

Tempted to get out of the market? History suggests that’s an unwise move…

Investment cycles - why investors need to be aware of them...

Cycles are part of life. Whether it be the cycle of day and night, seasons, tides, weather cycles from the almost weekly cycles of cold fronts that regularly blow across southeast Australia to the longer La Nina and El Nino cycles, fertility cycles, birth and death, etc. And so, cycles are also endemic to economies and investment markets. Some are regular, some just rhyme. Despite attempts to end or subdue them via economic policy and regulation the cycle lives on. Usually when we declare investment cycles dead they come back to bite us. Sometimes they bring much joy to investors but they can also bring much angst. But what are they? What causes them? And why do investors need to be aware of them?

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How diversification fights investor biases...

How diversification fights investor biases...

Investing in familiar names may bring a sense of comfort but by focusing too heavily on the Australian market, investors may limit their opportunity set and forgo the benefits of greater diversification…

Where SMSFs are investing...

Where SMSFs are investing...

Recently released ATO data shows some SMSFs have too much of their money invested into just a few asset classes and are not as diversified as they could be. Here's why having broad market exposure is important in retirement…

The threat of higher petrol prices...

The threat of higher petrol prices...

World oil prices have spiked to their highest levels since 2008, rising more than 30% since the war in Ukraine started…