Westmount Financial

Super Bill passes: implications...

Super Bill passes: implications...

Opportunities have been created, particularly for older clients, as a result of the passing of 2021 Federal Budget super proposals…

A savings strategy for children's education...

A savings strategy for children's education...

Having a strategy in place to pay for your childrens school education is essential. Here are a few ways you can approach paying for tuition that will help you stay ahead of the school fees curve.

The real impact of investment choices...

The real impact of investment choices...

Alongside uncontrollable factors like market returns, the cumulative impact of all the investment choices you make along the way is what ultimately determines your investment outcome. That's why making good decisions about investment contributions and fees is of the utmost importance…

Inflation, diversification, and the 60/40 portfolio

Inflation, diversification, and the 60/40 portfolio

Inflation is on the rise and some investors are now beginning to wonder: will stock and bond returns start to to move in tandem?

How to invest ethically...

How to invest ethically...

Demand for ethical investing continues to grow, as more people seek to align their investments with their values. So what are your options if you want to invest ‘ethically’ in Australia?