9 keys to successful investing...

As an investor its very easy to get thrown off by the ever present worry list surrounding investment markets that relates to economic activity, profits, interest rates, politics, etc. Or by the perennial predictions of an imminent crash. Or by talk of the next best thing that’s going to make you rich.

The investment world is far from predictable and neat. Its well known for sucking investors in during the good times and spitting them out during the bad times. Investing has become more difficult in recent years reflecting a surge in the flow of information and opinion. This has been magnified by a digital media where everyone is vying for attention and the best way to get this attention is via headlines of impending crisis. This all adds to uncertainty and potentially erratic investment decisions.

Against this backdrop I have written regularly over the years about nine key things for investors to bear in mind in order to be successful. But how does the coronavirus pandemic impact these? This note reviews each in view of the pandemic.

Read Dr Shane Oliver’s note