FPA: Bushfire Probono Advice...

To help those impacted by the recent bushfire disasters rebuild financially, the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) and the Association of Financial Advisers (AFA) are partnering to provide a pro bono program to offer support and financial advice.

The Financial Planning Bushfire Pro Bono Program can put you in contact with financial planners and advisers willing to provide their financial advice services for free.

It’s about offering guidance to help you consider your options, reassess your financial position as needed and think through your financial goals to help you make the best decisions given the circumstances you may now find yourself in.

The types of financial advice you may need help with include:

  • Accessing Centrelink payments and other government benefits

  • Considering claims on any of your existing assets or personal insurance

  • Debt management

  • Accessing superannuation (and/or insurances within superannuation)

  • Options for your existing investments and superannuation

  • Replacing lost income

  • Rebuilding financially and getting your future plans back on track

  • Estate planning.

What assistance is available?

If you are eligible for assistance, you will be matched with a financial planner who will then contact you to discuss your needs.

The amount of assistance provided under this program will be decided by the financial planner based on your needs and their capacity to provide pro bono support.

While every effort will be made to provide assistance to eligible applicants under this program, the nature of pro bono assistance means we are unable to guarantee that you will be matched with a financial planner that can provide you with the assistance you need.

Who is eligible?

People who have been directly affected by the 2019-20 bushfires in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and South Australia are eligible to apply for assistance under the Financial Planning Bushfire Pro Bono Program.

For example, you may be eligible for assistance if:

  1. you or an immediate family member have been seriously injured;

  2. you are the immediate family member of someone who has died;

  3. your principal place of residence has been destroyed or seriously damaged; or

  4. you operate a small business which has suffered serious damage to its premises, plant and/or equipment.

 How do I access support?

People who have been directly affected by the 2019-20 bushfires should call 1800 560 685 or visit the website to apply for assistance under the Financial Planning Bushfire Pro Bono Program.

Your application will be matched with a qualified financial planner who is a FPA or AFA member and they will then contact you to discuss your situation and needs.

Your application for assistance should be made by 30 June 2020 to ensure it is considered under this program.

Please note: We require a minimum of ten (10) working days to assess applications.  During this period we are unable to take inquiries as to the status of your application.

FPA, Money & Life