Home values rise 1.1%


The CoreLogic Home Value Index recorded a 1.1% rise in dwelling values in August, with six of the eight capital cities recording a lift in dwelling values over the month. Performance of the combined regional areas remained comparatively soft, with dwelling values virtually flat at -0.1%.

The strong combined capital cities headline result masks the underlying movements associated with dwelling values which are trending differently from region to region and across the broad property types.


In Sydney and Melbourne, dwelling values continued to increase at more than 1% month-on-month, with the cumulative growth (June 2012 to date) now reaching 64% in Sydney and 44% in Melbourne. Outside of Sydney and Melbourne, the third highest rate of capital gain over the same period was Brisbane at 18%, and was as low as 4% for Darwin.

The most recent twelve month period has seen dwelling values rise by a lower 7% per annum, with Perth and Darwin the only capital cities to record a fall in dwelling values over the same period, dealing by 4.2% in both cities. Softer economic conditions and a significant fall in overseas migration rates, together with an increasing net outflow of residents to other states and territories, has made a substantial dent in housing demand, reducing values and rental returns.

Read the full report here.