How to connect with a Financial Planner

So you’ve decided it’s time to get some expert help to manage your finances. 

Maybe you want to achieve some big financial goals such as a comfortable retirement or buying an investment property. It can be difficult knowing where to start when looking for a trustworthy financial planner. You could ask your friends and family if they know anyone, but what if no one in your network has worked with a financial planner? Introducing the new free service for Australian consumers, Match My Planner.

What is Match My Planner?

Match My Planner is the Financial Planning Association of Australia’s (FPA) innovative new online matching service actively connecting Australians looking for financial advice with FPA financial planners. It’s a free web-based service that creates matches based on financial goals, age and other optional information as well as by location.

Within the service, you can also choose to search exclusively for CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professionals, who are globally recognised as having achieved the highest education and ethical standards of financial planning.

The service provides a no-obligation opportunity for you to get to know a few financial planners at a time. When ready, you can arrange an in-person or telephone appointment with whomever you wish to work with.

How does it work?

With Match My Planner, all you need to do is fill out a form with some details about yourself, what you’re looking for and your location. Your information is distributed to FPA financial planners within in your area. You will be notified by email when interested planners reach out to you. You can find out more about them by clicking on their profile within Match My Planner. You also have the opportunity to respond to them using Match My Planner’s messaging platform.

Rick Maggi