24/08/15: Let's compare...

A few surprises...

Sometimes it helps to take look the world through an unconventional perspective when thinking about the size of things.

So here’s a pretty awesome map from Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s Chief Investment Strategist Michael Hartnett that shows the world according to free-float equity market capitalisation in billions of dollars measured by the MSCI.

The US, with a market cap of $US19.8 trillion, is the biggest and represents 52% of the world’s market cap. Japan is in second place at $US3 trillion, followed by the UK at $US2.7 trillion, and then France at $US1.3 trillion.

Notably, Hong Kong’s market cap is nearly the same size of China (both of which are significantly smaller than countries like the US and Japan).

Meanwhile, Russia, which has a bigger surface area than Pluto, is about the same size as Finland in terms of market cap.

Check out the whole map below.


Rick MaggiWestmount Financial Clear Focus. Better Solutions.