Living in Limbo: UNICEF survey

UNICEF Australia asked over 1,000 young people aged 13 to 17 years how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted them. Worryingly, one in five young Australians now say their ability to cope is poor, up from only four per cent just a few weeks before the pandemic.

Last week, UNICEF released their ‘Living in Limbo’ report. Their aim was not only to listen to young people’s experiences, but to ensure their voices go on to inform future policy responses as Australia navigates this crisis. 

They shared this report with politicians in Canberra so they can hear directly from children and young people – a voice that has been missing in many of the coronavirus conversations. They will also repeat the survey in the middle of the year and again towards the end of the year to see how Australian young people are coping, and what needs to change to better support them.

Read highlights of the UNICEF report here