My wish for 2020...

As 2019 comes to a close, global sharemarkets are at all time highs, interest rates are at historic lows, and wages remain stagnant. On the residential property front, Sydney and Melbourne prices are poised to move decidedly higher in 2020, while Perth values, after a decade long slump may, if lucky, finally post some modest gains in just a few select suburbs.

We’re in a strange place. Add to this the geopolitical landscape (ie Brexit, Trump, US/China, North Korea etc) and you can understand why people are feeling a little apprehensive lately.

Of course, this odd state of affairs isn’t particularly unique. In fact, I struggle to remember a period where all the planets remained in perfect alignment, both economically and politically, for any significant length of time. Stability, control and predictability, it seems, is a rarity.

In a world of constant uncertainty and disruption, I believe the New Year provides a great opportunity to think long and hard about those things in your life that are both working, and not working. By all means pat yourself on the back for your achievements, but far more importantly, attempt to learn and grow from any disappointments or setbacks you’ve had along the way - we all have them, so you’re not alone.

Life is far too short to worry about things that are well beyond your control. So in addition to good health, happiness and prosperity, my sincere wish for you in 2020 would be to succeed in finally pushing those exhausting, anxiety-inducing (and pointless) doubts far into the distant background where they truly belong. Exhale.

Happy New Decade - see you on the other side!

Rick Maggi.