
China stabilises, iron ore surges

A year ago there was a long global worry list and high on that list was China. A nearly 50% collapse in Chinese shares, uncertainty about the Renminbi, slowing Chinese growth, fears of a massive oversupply of residential property and uncertainty about the intentions of Chinese policy makers had left many convinced China was heading for the long predicted “hard landing”. But since then it seems China worries have receded. So what happened? Put simply the Chinese economy stabilised. But what’s the outlook for China now? And what does this mean for investors and Australia? Read more

18/03/15: China: Boom or Bust?

…or something in between?

China's lack of transparency often sends the wrong signals to the rest of the world. We all know that China's economy has slowed, but is it heading towards a bust, or is this yet another false alarm? Read more here

Rick Maggi Westmount Financial Clear Focus. Better Solutions.

01/12/14: China cuts interest rates

…and why it matters

The recent decision by the People's Bank of China to cut rates is a positive for commodities and Australian shares. Read more here

Rick Maggi Westmount Financial