
Cryptocurrencies: what we think...

Cryptocurrencies: what we think...

Like most things with a rising price tag, cryptocurrencies have garnered global recognition and interest for their sudden increase in value. From experienced investors to individuals just beginning their investment journey, many are wondering: are cryptocurrencies something I should look into?

Financial Advice: More than just returns...

Financial Advice: More than just returns...

Much has happened in the financial services industry following the 2018 Banking and Financial Services Royal Commission – many of the recommendations strengthening consumer protection laws have been implemented and as a result, the wealth management industry as a whole looks very different to what it was pre-Royal Commission…

Approaching the dawn...

Approaching the dawn...

COVID-19 has completely, and mercilessly, dictated the direction of economies and financial markets through most of this year. So, as we rapidly approach the end of an extremely unpredictable and volatile year, what's in store for 2021?

Don't be retiring when you're retired...

Don't be retiring when you're retired...

For many retirees, low-risk assets such as cash and government-backed bonds are often seen as the safest ways of protecting capital over the long term. Yet, depending on your broad retirement goals and tolerance for risk, putting all your eggs into one or two asset classes will most likely expose you to investment hazards over the long term…