The real cost of retirement

When you’re looking at saving and planning for retirement, it’s important to know how much you can expect to be spending. The latest retirement standard figures and other data sources can give you an idea of the cost of retirement, but what else do you need to take into account to ensure your financial wellbeing?

Running the numbers – the retirement standard

Since June 2006, the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia(ASFA) have been monitoring the living costs associated with retirement. Every quarter they research and publish the average annual budget singles and couples aged around 65 can expect to spend when living a modest or comfortable lifestyle in retirement. This is known as the “retirement standard” and for some time it’s been a popular yardstick for what it costs to live as a retired person in Australia.

Your definition of comfortable

For a modest way of life, think essential living expenses, taking holidays in Australia only and limited spending on upgrades to cars, appliances and electronic items. Things like international travel, a new car from time to time and eating out on a regular basis are definitely the trappings of the “comfortable” lifestyle category.

Of course your idea of what a comfortable lifestyle looks like – and the money it takes to live it – could be quite different from the retirement standard definition and estimates. The amount you earn and spend in the lead up to retirement is just one of the things that can influence your budget and spending patterns after you’ve left work. How and where you plan to spend your retirement is also going to affect how much income you’ll need.

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