We're here to help...

We're here to help (a message to clients of Westmount Financial)…

Like all Australians, we’re closely monitoring the latest developments in relation to coronavirus. I wanted to reach out personally to let you know that we’re here to support you and your family at this time. 

In response to the current health crisis, we’ve adapted our working arrangements to support the health and wellbeing of employees, clients and partners. As such, we’re scaling back our participation in meetings and events over the next four weeks. So if you have an upcoming meeting with us, we may reach out and ask to hold the meeting via phone or video conference (ie FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, TeamViewer).

Given our well tested resilience plans and focus on flexible working, we will continue to serve our clients and partners as we normally do. 

You can also have confidence in knowing that your platform provider (ie Macquarie, OnePath, CFS, Asgard etc) will also continue services and operations as per normal.

Over the coming weeks we’ll also be sharing a range of articles, market information and tools to help keep you informed (and resilient), during this challenging period. 

Of course, I have no doubt we'll get to the other side of this intact, but if you are experiencing undue stress or financial difficulty, please don't hesitate to call me personally on 9382 8885.

Rick Maggi & Staff