CommSec Video (3.36min)
In this addition, CommSec comments on the mining sector and whether the mining boom is actually over. Enjoy! Rick Maggi. Watch video here
In this addition, CommSec comments on the mining sector and whether the mining boom is actually over. Enjoy! Rick Maggi. Watch video here
Below is a brief global economic update (China, US, UK & Eurozone) from the Chairman of Goldman Sachs, Jim O'Neill… Viewpoint with Jim O'Neill
The last few years since the GFC have been difficult for investors - each time share markets take a step forward, changes in the global economy pull them back. Paul Clitheroe joins AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver to provide their views on where share markets are placed and how to navigate the period ahead. Also included is a link on the Eurozone (easy reading). Enjoy. Rick Maggi.
The US elections are only a few short weeks away and the polls have Mitt Romney and Barack Obama neck and neck. This video explores the potential consequences of either a Romney or an Obama win. Watch video here
In light of recent comments about the state of our economy, I thought this was a refreshing article... Read more Rick Maggi.
More than quarter of a century ago, a landmark investment research paper by three US academics concluded that the asset allocation of an investment portfolio is the primary driver of its long-term performance... Read more here
This week the Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) launched the MoneySmart Teaching Package to primary schools as part of a national commitment to teaching the core life skill of financial education. Secondary students will be targeted in December. It's a great idea. So if you have children or grandchildren you may want to take a look at this particular website and use some of the free materials on offer. Rick Maggi. View website and video here
There's nothing quite like time to smooth out the rough patches and provide investors with some perspective. This chart, just released by Vanguard, shows what would have happened to a $10,000 investment made in 1982 had an investor selected either Australian shares, international shares, US shares, listed property, Australian bonds or cash. While the final result will likely surprise many, I believe the wide gap between Australian shares and cash is the standout statistic. View Chart Here
Should clients with the capacity to make more than the minimum repayments on their home loan use the surplus cash-flow to make additional 'concessional' contributions into their super instead? The answer isn't black and white and needs to be discussed in more detail on a case-by-case basis. So if you've always wondered which is the best way to go for you contact us today. Rick Maggi
While recent announcements coming out of the US and the European have been disappointing, there is little doubt that both will need to take extra steps to bolster their economies. When this eventually occurs, will it be as effective? Read more here Rick Maggi.
The uncertain investment environment and poor returns from shares since the GFC has seen the popularity of bank deposits surge while that of shares has collapsed. With term deposit rates falling it makes sense for investors to consider some of the alternatives. This article, written by Dr Shane Oliver of AMP Capital, takes a closer look at some of the options available. Rick Maggi. Read more here
In recent weeks, US politicians and economists have been quoting the term 'fiscal cliff' in the media with increasing regularity. The coming fiscal cliff they are referring to would take effect on January 1 2013, after the US elections in November. So what exactly is it? Should Australian investors be worried? Read more here
In addition to providing a brief update on Europe, this note (courtesy of AMP Capital) focusses on the US economy, both in terms of the slowdown evident in some economic indicators and the impending fiscal tightening from January 1 next year. Read more here
Jim O'Neill, Chairman of Goldman Sachs Asset Management, in his latest issue of Viewpoints looks at 20 contradictions regarding the euro area issues. Here are 7 key contradictions... Read more here
With June 30 fast approaching, now is a good time to review your portfolio and plan for the year ahead. And this year, there are a few time sensitive issues surrounding superannuation that you may want to pay particular attention to. Below is a useful checklist which you may want to quickly run through to ensure that you are fully prepared for 2012/13. Rick Maggi EOFY Checklist
Did you know you can save money by buying your life insurance and total disability (TPD) cover in super? Read more here Rick Maggi
Anti-Detriment payments were introduced almost 25 yeas ago to ensure that the families and beneficiaries of super members were not inadvertently disadvantaged by the introduction of the 15% contributions tax. Does your fund allow for anti detriment payments? Read more here Rick Maggi.
If you're thinking of retiring or resigning (or are faced with redundancy), you should know the special tax concessions for certain employment termination payments (ETP's) will end on June 30 2012. Read more here Rick Maggi
The 'concessional contributions' caps for superannuation contributions are being significantly reduced on 1 July 2012, so if you're over 50 this could impact you in a number of ways. These two articles focus of the caps themselves plus 'transition to retirement' strategies. If in doubt, please contact us before the end of June - its extremely important to get this right. Rick Maggi
The 'Cycle of Market Emotions' is one of the most important road-maps for investors as share prices move through periods of boom and bust, of rise and fall, and of calm and volatility. Rick Maggi Read Here