
22/07/13: SMSFs: Where the ATO is looking

How does your SMSF fund measure up?

The tax office - in its role as regulator of self-managed super - stripped 132 SMSFs in 2012-13 of their prized complying status for committing serious breaches of superannuation law. This is the toughest action that the ATO can take against a wayward SMSF. And it typically affects the savings of all the fund's members.

The market value of SMSFs declared non-complying is taxed at the top marginal rate, less any non-concessional (after-tax or undeducted) contributions. This could remove almost half a fund's assets.

And the ATO prevented 180 proposed new funds from entering the system. (As part of its compliance work, the tax office examines whether a fund has been established for "genuine" superannuation purposes. Sometimes funds are setup as means to extract savings from the super system before the members are legally entitled to the money.)

The ATO's Compliance in focus 2013-14 publication - released over the past week - reveals how the regulator will scrutinise the activities of SMSFs over the coming 12 months.

The annual compliance program can serve not only as a warning of where the tax office is looking but as a reminder of areas where your self-managed fund could possible improve.

During 2013-14, the ATO intends to particularly focus its SMSF attention on:

1) Prohibited loans. (SMSFs are prohibited from making loans to fund members and their relatives or providing other financial assistance to them.)

2) Funds with a history of non-compliance, including failure to lodge annual returns on time. The ATO is also keeping an extremely close watch on the compliance of new SMSFs.

3) Incorrect reporting of tax-exempt pension income. (The tax-exempt treatment of pension assets is a valuable tax break that some SMSFs incorrectly claim.)

4) Tax losses. (The ATO wants to ensure that funds are correctly calculating any claimed losses.)

5) Related-party transactions. (Generally, an SMSF is barred under the in-house asset rules in superannuation law from leasing or having investments with related parties involving assets that are worth more than 5 per cent of a fund's total market value. Business property is among the few exceptions to the rule.)

6) Non-arm's length transactions. (Self-managed funds are required to invest on a commercial, arm's length basis, including transactions involving related parties.)

How does your fund measure up in regard to these areas of ATO focus?  Rick Maggi.

02/07/13: Happy New Year!

New Financial Year. Fresh Start.

Want to be kept informed in real-time? Tired of stale, irrelevant websites and blogs? Subscribe to our free updates here.  Happy New Year!  Rick Maggi & Staff.

01/07/13: Why 'core-satellite' makes sense...

Can funds really outperform the market?

In this brief article, Vanguard's Robin Bowerman takes another look at the merits of 'indexing'. Not sure what indexing is? Then you might want to read-up on it as it has the potential to boost your investment or retirement outcome and reduce your costs.

Also included is a more detailed (but user friendly) look at indexing from Vanguard's 'Plain Talk' library. Worth a read. Rick Maggi.

Robin Bowerman Commentary                              Indexing (Plain Talk)

13/05/13: Smart EOFY 2013 Strategies

12 End of Financial Year strategies to consider...

With the end of the financial year fast approaching, now is a great time to take advantage of various superannuation, insurance and tax strategies to reduce costs, save tax and streamline your finances.

Below is a useful guide to help you get there, but if you have any doubts or concerns, please contact us or discuss your personal circumstances with your financial adviser or tax specialist before taking action. Rick Maggi.  Read Smart EOFY Guide

02/05/13: Japan's monetary easing and global markets

What are the implications for Australia?

Following the recent changes to Japan's monetary policy, AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses it's implications for global share markets. Rick Maggi. Watch Now

05/04/13: Government announces changes to superannuation...

What does it all mean?

Here's the good news. The changes were not 'draconian', as feared in recent weeks. In fact, most Australian's won't be impacted by the tweaks to investment earnings tax on pension balances. The bad news is that all of this adds greater complexity to an already complex area, which is why you should speak to your financial planner. Below is a bullet point summary of the changes, but there are other areas to consider as well, so call us. Rick Maggi.  Super Changes

12/04/13: Are we in for another bout of weakness?

Olivers Insights

After a strong start to the year, share markets have had a few wobbles lately and bonds have rallied again. Sell in May and go away? Rick Maggi. Read more here

05/04/13: Money Printing. What are the risks?

Another look at 'Quantitative Easing' (Video)

Don't let the term 'quantitative easing' scare you. The concept and reasons behind it are simple and quite justifiable in the the current climate. AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver attempts to briefly explain what it is, why it's being done, and the implications for shares and bonds going forward. An easy to understand 4 minute video, worth viewing. Enjoy! Rick Maggi.  View video here

30/03/12: Should super funds have more bonds?

Shares or Bonds?

In this article, Dr Shane Oliver looks at the recent move to the relative safety of bonds and whether now is the right time to be making the shift. Read more here

20/03/13: Running to Stand Still

'Outside The Flags' (Jim Parker, Dimensional)

Trying to correctly time your entry point to the market is never easy. Just ask the experts. This brief article written by Jim Parker, VP of Dimensional (DFA) Australia, is another reminder of the perils of market timing. Let me know if you'd like a copy of Jim Parker's book 'Outside the Flags' - an easy, enjoyable read. Rick Maggi.  Read 'Running to Stand Still'

16/03/13: Don't worry about a stock market drop...

Feeling a little Vertigo?

With US share markets at all time highs and Australian markets quickly gaining ground, it is only natural to feel a little nervous about what might be around the corner. British Journalist and Economist, Anatole Kaletsky, suggests that you might want to take a different view. Read more here. Enjoy! Rick Maggi.

04/03/13: Retirement Living & Aged Care Services

A business devoted entirely to Seniors...

What is the difference between a Retirement Village and a Lifestyle Village? What is an Aged Care Facility? What other housing options are available to you?

As financial advisors, we're constantly looking for new and relevant products services to help our clients and their families, and we think that 'Relacs', based in Mount Lawley, is pretty special in that regard. If you have ever delved into the areas of Aged Care and Retirement Living, you'll know that this a very complex area and a potential minefield with numerous variables to consider, usually on behalf of your loved ones.

Relacs is a unique service that focuses solely on the issues of Retirement Living, Residential Aged Care, Home & Community Care and Respite & Transitional Care, so they can pull it all together and provide reliable advice in terms you can understand.

It's a great service and one that finally fills a huge void in the Aged Care advice space. For more information, visit their website here, or read their brochure below.  Relacs Brochure

06/02/13: Shares, property, bonds or cash?

Which way to go?

In this easy to understand article, AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses the four investments options and their possible performance over the next few years. The second article takes a look at the current share market 'boom' and it's potential to be longer lasting than past recoveries. Rick Maggi

Shares, Property, Bonds or Cash?      Shares: How Long Can It Last?