Financial Advice

Market Update: Bubbles, busts, and bitcoin

Market Update: Bubbles, busts, and bitcoin

The surge in bitcoin has attracted much interest. Over the last five years, it has soared from $US12 to over $US8000; this year it’s up 760%. Its enthusiasts see it as the currency of the future and increasingly as a way to instant riches with rapid price gains only reinforcing this view... 

Saving: Lessons to teach your kids

Saving: Lessons to teach your kids

One of the most important things you can teach your kids is how to manage their money as this will help them better face the challenges of adulthood. In our world of ever advancing technology, children often don’t see physical money being exchanged. In fact, some Scandinavian countries are even doing away with physical cash altogether...

Another Tech-Bubble?

Another Tech-Bubble?

A quick look at the valuations of the so called FAANMG group of stocks – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Net ix, Microsoft and Google – and it certainly feels like it we’re in a tech stocks bubble a-la the late 1990s.

But does that mean we’re going to see another tech-stock crash? 

Budgeting: Where does all my money go?

Budgeting: Where does all my money go?

The three biggest drains on our money are paying for housing, food and transport. And there’s no getting away from the fact that it is unlikely we can live without any of the “big three”. Here we look at some ways of how to save on these items...



With increasing debt and falling home ownership among the under 40s, their financial prospects are less than rosy.  If this trend is set to continue, young people are going to be needing financial advice more than ever to help them make the best choices for a secure future...

Retirement: Seniors are doing it for themselves

Retirement: Seniors are doing it for themselves

Newcastle-based lawyer Lyn Lucas has been practicing family law for 25 years. She is also 76. Lucas studied law as a mature age student, and seven years ago created an online legal practice, Online Divorce Lawyer. This came about as she was looking to lessen the stress of practising law full time...

Australian House Price Crash?

Australian House Price Crash?

A common narrative on the Australian housing market is that it’s in a giant speculative bubble propelled by tax breaks, low interest rates and “liar loans” that have led to massive mortgage stress and that it’s all about to go bust, bringing down the banks and the economy with it. Recent signs of price falls – notably in Sydney – have added interest to such a view...

Financial Advice Worth More Than It Costs

Financial Advice Worth More Than It Costs

A young family could be $240,000 better off at retirement if they receive financial advice, according to Sunsuper....



Money know-how can come from anyone, young or old. When it comes to financial wisdom, author and speaker Kylie Travers and actor and singer Charmaine Bingwa have taken their lead from the previous generation...

A Better Retirement

A Better Retirement

Today, with Australians living longer and healthier lives, the concept of retirement is much different to what it was only one generation ago. For each retiree, retirement is different.

Typically, there are four areas that need to be considered to help you better understand your retirement goals and objectives. These are...

Retirement: Life after work

Retirement: Life after work

Superannuation stumbling blocks

What’s stopping you from saving for a retirement you can really look forward to? Take a look at these four common barriers to saving more super and make a plan for having all your goals and financial priorities in order...

TOP 5 Financial Regrets

TOP 5 Financial Regrets

We all make bad decisions about money from time to time. But what if you could avoid future financial errors by learning what others have done and wish they hadn’t? In our Live the Dream survey we asked Aussies for their top financial regrets so you can learn from their mistakes...

Interest rates: US Fed begins to tighten

Interest rates: US Fed begins to tighten

The US Federal Reserve provided few surprises following its September meeting. While it left interest rates on hold, it confirmed that it will begin what it calls “balance sheet normalisation” next month and continued to signal its expectation that it will raise interest rates again in December and in the years ahead...

Income & Dividends: The search for yield

Income & Dividends: The search for yield

For some time now, the investment world has been characterised by a search for decent yield paying investments. This “search for yield” actually started last decade but was interrupted by the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) and the Eurozone debt crisis before resuming again in earnest...

Investing: What is an index?

Investing: What is an index?

When people talk about the share market having gone up or down, what they are usually are referring to is an index. But what is an index and why is it important?