Financial Advice

How far has your portfolio drifted?

How far has your portfolio drifted?

Portfolio drift causes your strategic allocation to specific asset classes to move out of alignment. Here's why ignoring the drift can be detrimental over time…

2022: Investment outlook

2022: Investment outlook

Despite COVID and inflation worries, 2021 was a great year for diversified investors, with average 'balanced/growth' superannuation funds generating returns of about 14%. And more targeted, growth oriented, portfolios that may have included resource stocks, commercial property, and some international funds (and less cash holdings) performed even better. Of course, the question is - can these strong returns continue into 2022?

What exactly is the FIRE movement?

What exactly is the FIRE movement?

In the investment world, FIRE stands for "financial independence retire early". Read on to learn more about the FIRE approach and how you can tailor your saving and spending behaviours to align with your investment goals…

REVENGE SPENDING: The do's and dont's...

REVENGE SPENDING: The do's and dont's...

After months in lockdowns and living under tight restrictions, many Australians have gone on a "revenge spending" spree. But before you go out and buy buy buy, do a financial stocktake to see if those purchases are viable and that your emotions aren't ruling your reality…

How to give your finances a health check...

How to give your finances a health check...

How healthy are your finances? Isn’t it time you put your own financial wellbeing front and centre? You can take control of your financial future quickly and easily, with a simple financial health check…

Money worries and your mental health...

Money worries and your mental health...

Worrying about your finances can take a real toll on your mental health. With many people experiencing financial stress this year, we look at what you can do to improve your financial (and mental) wellbeing…

How to invest for your children's future...

How to invest for your children's future...

Every parent wants to give their child the best start in life, even if that sometimes means footing the bill well into adulthood. Fortunately, with good financial planning, you can set your kids up for a bright (and independent) financial future, in just a few simple steps…

Financial Advice: More than just returns...

Financial Advice: More than just returns...

Much has happened in the financial services industry following the 2018 Banking and Financial Services Royal Commission – many of the recommendations strengthening consumer protection laws have been implemented and as a result, the wealth management industry as a whole looks very different to what it was pre-Royal Commission…

What can a financial planner do for me in 2021?

What can a financial planner do for me in 2021?

With the ups and downs of the COVID-19 pandemic largely behind us, now’s a great time to revisit your finances. So should you seek the help of a professional financial planner, or can you ‘do it yourself’? Read on to find out what a financial planner can do for you.

Strategies for paying down debt...

Strategies for paying down debt...

To get on top of your finances, clearing debts is essential but how can you find a strategy that’s going to work for you and your money habits?

The risks in hunting for higher returns...

The risks in hunting for higher returns...

How much investment risk are you willing to take?

Budgeting tips for students...

Budgeting tips for students...

Starting or returning to study is an exciting time! But let’s be real, unless you’re also working full time, you’ll have less income while you complete your studies. That’s where a little planning can help make the most of your student budget…

2021 Outlook...

2021 Outlook...

Can investment returns hold up? Here is a summary of key insights and views on the investment outlook in simple point form…

Approaching the dawn...

Approaching the dawn...

COVID-19 has completely, and mercilessly, dictated the direction of economies and financial markets through most of this year. So, as we rapidly approach the end of an extremely unpredictable and volatile year, what's in store for 2021?