Financial Planning

Alert: Residential Property Deductions

Alert: Residential Property Deductions

The ATO have now made the following changes to residential property deductions, applicable from 1st July 2017...

Market outlook for 2018

Market outlook for 2018

By the standards of recent years, 2017 was relatively quiet. Sure there was the usual “worry list” – about Trump, elections in Europe, China as always, North Korea and the perennial property crash in Australia. And there was a mania in bitcoin. But overall it has been pretty positive for investors...

Accountant or Planner?

Accountant or Planner?

When it comes to sorting out money matters, where do you go to seek professional help? Can an accountant take care of your finances or should you be speaking to a financial planner? Discover more about the difference between these two support services and how you can benefit from both...

Mistakes To Mastery (Free eBook)

Mistakes To Mastery (Free eBook)

Life doesn’t revolve around money. Lots of other things - like family, friends, and health - can be much more important to you than your bank balance. But some personal goals are hard to achieve if you don’t have much money. That’s why the FPA have put together this handy guide to getting to grips with the do’s and don’ts of your finances...

US interest rates: The Fed hikes again

US interest rates: The Fed hikes again

The US Federal Reserve raised rates last night by another 0.25%, noting continuing strengthening in the US labour market and solid economic growth. The question now is where to from here? Will the Fed get more aggressive? Should investors be concerned?

Superannuation: Housing Measures Passed

Superannuation: Housing Measures Passed

Two very important housing affordability measures were passed on December 7th - the First Home Super Saver Scheme & Downsizer Contributions...

Investing: Cautious optimism better for your health...

Investing: Cautious optimism better for your health...

At the start of last year, with global and Australian shares down around 20% from their April/May 2015 highs, the big worry was that the global economy was going back into recession and that there will be another Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Now, with share markets having had a strong run higher, it seems to have been replaced by worries that a crash is around the corner and this will give us the global recession and new GFC that we missed last year!

Psych yourself into saving

Psych yourself into saving

Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or living comfortably, saving money can be something you’ll be finding hard to do. In her new book “Mind Over Money: The Psychology of Money and How To Use it Better” BBC broadcaster and psychologist Claudia Hammond shares insights into how we can change our ways when it comes to budgeting, spending and saving more for a rainy day...

Market Update: Bubbles, busts, and bitcoin

Market Update: Bubbles, busts, and bitcoin

The surge in bitcoin has attracted much interest. Over the last five years, it has soared from $US12 to over $US8000; this year it’s up 760%. Its enthusiasts see it as the currency of the future and increasingly as a way to instant riches with rapid price gains only reinforcing this view... 

Saving: Lessons to teach your kids

Saving: Lessons to teach your kids

One of the most important things you can teach your kids is how to manage their money as this will help them better face the challenges of adulthood. In our world of ever advancing technology, children often don’t see physical money being exchanged. In fact, some Scandinavian countries are even doing away with physical cash altogether...

Another Tech-Bubble?

Another Tech-Bubble?

A quick look at the valuations of the so called FAANMG group of stocks – Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Net ix, Microsoft and Google – and it certainly feels like it we’re in a tech stocks bubble a-la the late 1990s.

But does that mean we’re going to see another tech-stock crash? 

Australian Share Market Rallies Past 6000

Australian Share Market Rallies Past 6000

The local sharemarket rose 1% today, taking the ASX200 and All Ordinaries Index well above the 6,000 threshold, heights we haven't seen in almost a decade...

Interest rates on hold

Interest rates on hold

The Reserve Bank of Australia decided to once again leave the official cash rate unchanged at 1.5%. With inflation seemingly well under control and the Sydney property market now showing signs of cooling, this outcome was widely predicted by most financial commentators...

Budgeting: Where does all my money go?

Budgeting: Where does all my money go?

The three biggest drains on our money are paying for housing, food and transport. And there’s no getting away from the fact that it is unlikely we can live without any of the “big three”. Here we look at some ways of how to save on these items...