Financial Planning

E+R=O, a formula for success

E+R=O, a formula for success

Combining an enduring investment philosophy with a simple formula that helps maintain investment discipline can increase the odds of having a positive financial experience…

Money & other family values...

Money & other family values...

At a time when spending is becoming ever more streamlined, it’s even more important for kids to understand the value of money. But how can parents and schools teach important money lessons without making kids feel anxious about not having enough or want more than they really need? Discover tools and concepts that can help with financial literacy, at home and in schools...

The Benefits of Infrastructure

The Benefits of Infrastructure

Many investors know that infrastructure generates strong and reliable cash flow streams, yet fewer investors appreciate the sheer scope and dynamism of infrastructure and the range of opportunities that it presents to investors...

Don't Fall For It...

Don't Fall For It...

who can you trust with your money?

Opportunities to make your millions can come in many guises. Maybe you’ve been tempted to jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon or find a surefire way to become rich overnight. But it’s very important to fully understand the risks involved and seek sound advice before handing over your cash...

Trump & Trade War Risks

Trump & Trade War Risks

After the calm of 2017, 2018 is proving to be anything but with shares falling in February on worries about US inflation, only to rebound and then fall again with markets back to or below their February low, notwithstanding a nice US bounce overnight. So what’s driving the weakness and what should investors do? 

Can you afford not to have a plan?

Can you afford not to have a plan?

Many people wonder if they can afford a financial planner, or whether they even have enough money to justify one. As Simon Clifford writes, people can't afford to not have a financial planner, or a plan...

Why All The Share Market Volatility?

Why All The Share Market Volatility?

The return of inflation has been mentioned quite a lot recently as a reason why share markets are jumpy all of a sudden, by what has the return of inflation in the United States really got to do with share market volatility?

Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well

As we move towards a cashless society, how do we teach children that money comes from hard work and good financial management and not some magic money pot in the sky?




(Originally posted on 24 November 2016)

The 9 Habits of highly ineffective investors...

As the Trump rally continues, its important to stop, take a deep breath and think about potential pitfalls going forward as the fear of missing out and 'animal spirits' take centre stage.

Many of the mistakes investors make are based on common sense rules of thumb that turn out to be wrong...

The True Value of Advice

The True Value of Advice

Does investing in a financial planner really pay off? According to the latest research from Sunsuper you could be thousands of dollars better off when you make choices based on professional financial advice. Plus you’ll take more family holidays, have greater peace of mind and more confidence in your financial decisions...