
What exactly is the FIRE movement?

What exactly is the FIRE movement?

In the investment world, FIRE stands for "financial independence retire early". Read on to learn more about the FIRE approach and how you can tailor your saving and spending behaviours to align with your investment goals…

Inflation, diversification, and the 60/40 portfolio

Inflation, diversification, and the 60/40 portfolio

Inflation is on the rise and some investors are now beginning to wonder: will stock and bond returns start to to move in tandem?

Staying 'active' in retirement...

Staying 'active' in retirement...

Vanguard's 2021 Index Chart demonstrates why taking an active role in your investments and ensuring you are adequately diversified is just as important in retirement as it is before you stop working…

What's your risk profile?

What's your risk profile?

Your attitude to risk is one of the most important factors to consider when it comes to investing…

Why there is also risk in not investing...

Why there is also risk in not investing...

Many Australians know that investing will always come with some level of risk, namely the potential to lose money. In a recent Vanguard report on Australian attitudes towards investing, 20 per cent of those surveyed cited "worry of making a bad investment" as a barrier to investing.

Financial Advice: More than just returns...

Financial Advice: More than just returns...

Much has happened in the financial services industry following the 2018 Banking and Financial Services Royal Commission – many of the recommendations strengthening consumer protection laws have been implemented and as a result, the wealth management industry as a whole looks very different to what it was pre-Royal Commission…

How often should you check your investment returns?

How often should you check your investment returns?

Before you started reading this article, did you already do a check-up on your investment portfolio value? If you did, and do so just about every day, you're certainly not alone.