Market/Economic Update

27/07/12: The search for a decent yield

Oliver's Insights

The uncertain investment environment and poor returns from shares since the GFC has seen the popularity of bank deposits surge while that of shares has collapsed. With term deposit rates falling it makes sense for investors to consider some of the alternatives. This article, written by Dr Shane Oliver of AMP Capital, takes a closer look at some of the options available.  Rick Maggi. Read more here

19/07/12: USA: What on earth is the "fiscal cliff"?

Yet another alarming sound-bite?

In recent weeks, US politicians and economists have been quoting the term 'fiscal cliff' in the media with increasing regularity. The coming fiscal cliff they are referring to would take effect on January 1 2013, after the US elections in November. So what exactly is it? Should Australian investors be worried? Read more here

29/06/12: Australian house prices - is the crash upon us?

Where to from here?

New home sales data released today for May by the HIA confirm that the housing market remains chronically weak right now. This article looks at the outlook for Australian house prices.  Rick Maggi  Read more here

28/06/12: What about the US?

Greek relief for now - but what about the US?

In addition to providing a brief update on Europe, this note (courtesy of AMP Capital) focusses on the US economy, both in terms of the slowdown evident in some economic indicators and the impending fiscal tightening from January 1 next year. Read more here

13/04/12: Some encouraging modern history...

March quarter foreshadows strong returns ahead...

In this brief article, filled with positive messages, Elm Capital's John Robertson takes a look at the strong start to 2012 and what we might expect for the remainder of 2012, based on modern history.  Let's hope he's right. Enjoy!  Rick Maggi  Read here

24/02/12: Low return world ten years on...

...and what does it mean for investing?

This article, yet another from Dr Shane Oliver, will be interest to all investors, superannuation, pension and wealth accumulators alike.  Rick Maggi  Read Oliver's Insights

16/12/11: Behold the beauty of bonds

An outstanding year for Bonds...

Vanguard's Robin Bowerman focuses on the outstanding performance of bonds during 2011, but also highlights the age old importance of diversification.   Rick Maggi  Read here

13/12/11: Should we be concerned about 2012?

Oliver's Insights

AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver looks back on 2011 and, perhaps more importantly, takes a balanced and rational look forward into 2012. Next year could be better than many expect.  Rick Maggi.  Read Shane Oliver's report