Market/Economic Update

06/02/13: Shares, property, bonds or cash?

Which way to go?

In this easy to understand article, AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses the four investments options and their possible performance over the next few years. The second article takes a look at the current share market 'boom' and it's potential to be longer lasting than past recoveries. Rick Maggi

Shares, Property, Bonds or Cash?      Shares: How Long Can It Last?

18/12/12: Outlook for 2013.

Olivers Insights

An excellent overview of 2012 and a refreshingly bold attempt to map out the next twelve months, by AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver. Take a close look at the table of investment returns and forecasts. Enjoy! Rick Maggi

Read Oliver's Insights Here        Shares in 2013 (video)

20/11/12: November Market & Economic Update

November 2012 Economic Update (Easy Reading)

AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver presents a brief market and economic snapshot. Enjoy. Rick Maggi.  Market & Economic Update

06/11/12: Rates on hold in November

Interest rates left on hold for now

The Reserve Bank has elected to leave official interest rates on hold at 3.25 per cent, defying economists bets on a Cup Day cut. A survey of 27 economists by financial news service Bloomberg had 20 tipping a rate cut. However, the RBA has elected to break a six-year streak of moving interest rates on the first Tuesday in November.

The decision keeps the cash rate just above a low of 3 per cent that it dropped to in 2009 during the peak of the economic fallout from the Global Financial Crisis. The general view is that the RBA, always vigilant to fight off inflationary pressures, is taking a wait and see approach as the US economy slowly recovers and China's economy begins to stabilise.

Australia now has the highest interest rates of anywhere in the developed world. While lower interest rates would be a welcome development for borrowers, retirees will benefit from today's decision. But it's also important to note that very low rates is a sign that conditions have deteriorated - never a good thing So i think today, along with the Melbourne Cup, is a good day to celebrate.

16/10/12: Managing super in challenging times

Your questions answered...

The last few years since the GFC have been difficult for investors - each time share markets take a step forward, changes in the global economy pull them back. Paul Clitheroe joins AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver to provide their views on where share markets are placed and how to navigate the period ahead. Also included is a link on the Eurozone (easy reading). Enjoy. Rick Maggi.

Watch video here          Read Eurozone update here

25/10/12: What does the US election mean for markets?

Dr Shane Oliver discusses forthcoming US elections...

The US elections are only a few short weeks away and the polls have Mitt Romney and Barack Obama neck and neck. This video explores the potential consequences of either a Romney or an Obama win.  Watch video here

19/09/12: Q&A on QE3

What is it? Why do it?

AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses the potential consequences for investors and retirees of the US Federal Reserve's recent decision to commence another round of 'quantitative easing'. This is an easy to understand article, well worth a quick read. Enjoy. Rick Maggi. Read more here.

14/08/12: If you invested $10,000 thirty years ago...

The Vanguard 2012 Index Chart

There's nothing quite like time to smooth out the rough patches and provide investors with some perspective. This chart, just released by Vanguard, shows what would have happened to a $10,000 investment made in 1982 had an investor selected either Australian shares, international shares, US shares, listed property, Australian bonds or cash. While the final result will likely surprise many, I believe the wide gap between Australian shares and cash is the standout statistic. View Chart Here

03/08/12: Will more monetary easing work?

Will Quantitative Easing Mark III be successful?

While recent announcements coming out of the US and the European have been disappointing, there is little doubt that both will need to take extra steps to bolster their economies. When this eventually occurs, will it be as effective?   Read more here    Rick Maggi.