Market/Economic Update

25/07/13: Investment outlook after a strong financial year

Dr Shane Oliver...

The last financial year saw returns of over 20% from Australian and global shares, so what's in store for 2013/14? Rick Maggi   Read more here

02/07/13: Happy New Year!

New Financial Year. Fresh Start.

Want to be kept informed in real-time? Tired of stale, irrelevant websites and blogs? Subscribe to our free updates here.  Happy New Year!  Rick Maggi & Staff.

24/06/13: The Fed, Interest Rates and Bonds

Market Update...

Recent market falls and noise around the US Federal Reserve's potential moves going forward has been rattling investors. The following is a candid and easy to understand article on the subject from AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver. Rick Maggi.   Read more here

18/06/12: Greek election "a victory for all of Europe"

Pro-austerity parties to rule...

Markets are breathing a sigh of relief after yesterday's elections in Greece, with the moderate centre-right party winning enough seats to govern in a coalition with another, established pro-austerity party. At the time of writing, share markets have rebounded strongly on the positive news. Watch video here. Rick Maggi

13/06/13: Jumping off the Currency Cart

Why should it matter to you as an investor?

In this brief article, Dimensional's Jim Parker comments on currency speculators and just how spectacularly wrong most individual and professional investors get it. A good read. Rick Maggi.   Jumping Off the Currency Cart

06/06/13: Recent market losses

Sell in May and go away, or something more sinister?

Recent share market falls have taken some of the lustre from the stellar gains we've witnessed over the last year, although investment returns remain extraordinary to date. So is the perennial "sell in May and go away" behind the recent market correction or is there more to it than that? The following is an easy to understand three-minute video commentary (just released) from AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver that should help to calm the nerves... Rick Maggi.  Watch Video

02/05/13: Japan's monetary easing and global markets

What are the implications for Australia?

Following the recent changes to Japan's monetary policy, AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses it's implications for global share markets. Rick Maggi. Watch Now

12/04/13: Are we in for another bout of weakness?

Olivers Insights

After a strong start to the year, share markets have had a few wobbles lately and bonds have rallied again. Sell in May and go away? Rick Maggi. Read more here

23/03/12: Global recovery watch

Mid-year scare on the horizon?

So far this year we have seen solid gains in global share markets. Economic news has been positive with receding tails risks regarding Europe, greater confidence of continued growth in the US and some lessening worries about China. But there was also a burst of confidence in early 2010 and early 2011. Read more here.

20/03/13: Running to Stand Still

'Outside The Flags' (Jim Parker, Dimensional)

Trying to correctly time your entry point to the market is never easy. Just ask the experts. This brief article written by Jim Parker, VP of Dimensional (DFA) Australia, is another reminder of the perils of market timing. Let me know if you'd like a copy of Jim Parker's book 'Outside the Flags' - an easy, enjoyable read. Rick Maggi.  Read 'Running to Stand Still'

06/03/13: Dow smashes record as US stocks surge

All-time high...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average soared to an all-time record high on Tuesday, passing the five-year old mark to leave behind the deep losses of the economic crisis. The positive impact on Australian superannuation and pension funds has been huge. Read More Here. Rick Maggi.

01/03/13: A new long-term bull market edging closer...

...but may be somewhat constrained

This is a fascinating article from AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver, which suggests that the long-term 'secular bear market' which has plagued investors since the year 2000 is about to end, making way for a new longer running bull market, but with some limitations. Worth a read. Rick Maggi. Read here... Bull market getting closer

27/02/13: Italian elections & European risk

Where to from here?

With an inconclusive election result and a general unwillingness to reform their economy, Italy's future (and therefore Europe's), is back in the spotlight, impacting on share markets and overall confidence. This is a brief report on the topic. Rick Maggi  Italian Election/European Risk