
13/06/13: Jumping off the Currency Cart

Why should it matter to you as an investor?

In this brief article, Dimensional's Jim Parker comments on currency speculators and just how spectacularly wrong most individual and professional investors get it. A good read. Rick Maggi.   Jumping Off the Currency Cart

07/05/13: Alert: Cash rate cut by 25 basis points

The comfort and safety of Term Deposits is a double-edged sword...

The Reserve Bank of Australia has just reduced the cash rate by 0.25% to 2.75% effective 8 May 2013. The RBA's Media Release is below. This action is in response to a slowing Australian economy (unemployment is rising, retail and government spending is falling, mining is sluggish, and taxes are set to rise).

Leading brokers are now predicting that our cash rate is headed to 2% and billionaire investor George Soros is betting that the Australian dollar will fall. Against this backdrop, interest rates are likely to continue their drift downwards, which is bad news for term deposit investors, and will probably encourage more Australians back into higher dividend yielding shares, much like the recent American experience (US markets are now trading about 4% above their all-time highs, primarily on the back of very low interest rates).

As the Australian market remains 23% below pre-GFC levels, it is quite conceivable that our markets will get a boost from falling interest rates, provided the global picture doesn't deteriorate. Rick Maggi.  RBA Statement

12/04/13: Are we in for another bout of weakness?

Olivers Insights

After a strong start to the year, share markets have had a few wobbles lately and bonds have rallied again. Sell in May and go away? Rick Maggi. Read more here

20/03/13: Running to Stand Still

'Outside The Flags' (Jim Parker, Dimensional)

Trying to correctly time your entry point to the market is never easy. Just ask the experts. This brief article written by Jim Parker, VP of Dimensional (DFA) Australia, is another reminder of the perils of market timing. Let me know if you'd like a copy of Jim Parker's book 'Outside the Flags' - an easy, enjoyable read. Rick Maggi.  Read 'Running to Stand Still'

16/03/13: Don't worry about a stock market drop...

Feeling a little Vertigo?

With US share markets at all time highs and Australian markets quickly gaining ground, it is only natural to feel a little nervous about what might be around the corner. British Journalist and Economist, Anatole Kaletsky, suggests that you might want to take a different view. Read more here. Enjoy! Rick Maggi.

06/03/13: Dow smashes record as US stocks surge

All-time high...

The Dow Jones Industrial Average soared to an all-time record high on Tuesday, passing the five-year old mark to leave behind the deep losses of the economic crisis. The positive impact on Australian superannuation and pension funds has been huge. Read More Here. Rick Maggi.

01/03/13: A new long-term bull market edging closer...

...but may be somewhat constrained

This is a fascinating article from AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver, which suggests that the long-term 'secular bear market' which has plagued investors since the year 2000 is about to end, making way for a new longer running bull market, but with some limitations. Worth a read. Rick Maggi. Read here... Bull market getting closer

06/02/13: Shares, property, bonds or cash?

Which way to go?

In this easy to understand article, AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses the four investments options and their possible performance over the next few years. The second article takes a look at the current share market 'boom' and it's potential to be longer lasting than past recoveries. Rick Maggi

Shares, Property, Bonds or Cash?      Shares: How Long Can It Last?

18/12/12: Outlook for 2013.

Olivers Insights

An excellent overview of 2012 and a refreshingly bold attempt to map out the next twelve months, by AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver. Take a close look at the table of investment returns and forecasts. Enjoy! Rick Maggi

Read Oliver's Insights Here        Shares in 2013 (video)

05/12/12: RBA cuts cash rate to 3%

But the song remains the same

While the RBA once again loosened monetary policy in December, the Bank continues to see a silver lining on every economic cloud and is yet to acknowledge that the Australian economy is entering a much more difficult environment now that mining investment has peaked. While many believe that the RBA will ultimately be forced to cut the cash rate to 2%, it seems pretty clear that the RBA still remains hopeful that the rate cuts it has already undertaken will be sufficient to revive growth. As such, it appears that until there is irrefutable proof that mining investment has peaked, or that unemployment is rising sharply, the RBA will remain a reluctant rate cutter, as indeed it has been over the past year. Rick Maggi  Update: Since the 25 basis point cut yesterday, most of the major banks have since cut their loan rates by about 20 basis points.

20/11/12: November Market & Economic Update

November 2012 Economic Update (Easy Reading)

AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver presents a brief market and economic snapshot. Enjoy. Rick Maggi.  Market & Economic Update