
The perils of forecasting...

I am regularly called on to provide forecasts for economic and investment variables like growth, interest rates, currencies and the share market. These usually come in the form of point forecasts as to where the variable that is being forecast will be in, say, a year’s time or its rate of return. Such point forecasts are part and parcel of the investment industry. In fact, forecasts about all sort of things – from the environment to economics to politics to sport – have become part of everyday life....  Read more here

Trump Trade or Trump Bump?

Around May each year I normally get a bit wary about the risks of a pullback in shares. It seems the old saying “sell in May and go away...” is permanently stuck in my mind. And of course shares have had a great run since their global growth scare “bear market” lows in February last year to their recent highs with global shares up 31% and Australian shares up 25%, and both saw good gains year to date to their recent highs of 7% and 5% respectively. Meanwhile, although there have been several calls this year that the so-called “Trump trade” – anticipation of his pro-business policies that supposedly drove the surge in shares since the US election – is over, the risks have intensified lately given the issues around Trump, the FBI and Russia with some fearing the Trump trade is now set to reverse. This note looks at the main issues. Read more

Federal Budget 2017: Snapshot

On Tuesday 9 May, the Federal Government handed down its Budget for the 2017–18 financial year.

According to Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison, this year’s Budget is founded on the principles of fairness, security and opportunity. Mr Morrison claims that the government’s proposed measures will raise almost $21 billion in revenue over the next four years, returning Australia’s budget to surplus by 2021.

Here are some of the key Budget announcements. Note that each of these proposals will only become law if it is passed by Parliament...

Read Budget Summary Here (Colonial First State)

Watch Budget Overview Here (MLC)

Read Budget Commentary Here (AMP)

ASX 200 to hit 10,000...

Australia's sharemarket could jump as much as two thirds over the next decade, underpinned by a booming superannuation sector and the nation's status as a 'growth haven', according to a new report by Macquarie Research. 

The report released today, says the ASX 200 could climb from its current level at just below 6,000 points to 10,000 points over the next 10 years, and to 20,000 by 2040.

Jason Todd, head of Australian macro-economic research at Macquarie, said Australia's super pool, which is expected to rise from $2.3 trillion to around $8.8 trillion over the next 25 years, would provide a "backstop" to equity markets and demand for new listings.

He argues that while many view the Australian market as expensive, it is currently trading at 16 times earnings versus a long-run average of 19 times. The US sharemarket is trading at 29 times.

James McIntyre, head of economic research for Australia at Macquarie, described Australia as a "growth haven", pointing out that economic growth has outstripped other advanced economies by 0.7 per cent over the past 25 years.

...While recent changes to Australia's immigration policies showed it would not be untouched by this shift, which Macquarie sees as structural rather than cyclical, Mr McIntyre said support for immigration was still relatively high compared to other nations. He estimates this support gives the Australian economy a 1 percentage point boost compared to other advanced economies.

The Macquarie report suggests four sectors that should do well over the next few decades: education, tourism, services and agribusiness.


The RBA has opted to leave the official cash rate on hold at 1.5%.

As lenders continue with their out of cycle rate increases, at its board meeting today the Reserve Bank of Australia decided to leave the official cash rate unchanged.

This follows new data released yesterday that indicates the strong Sydney and Melbourne property markets may be close to peaking following APRA's intervention into the levels of interest only and investment lending the banks are funding.

It also appears the Reserve Bank is waiting to gauge the impact of next Tuesday's federal budget on overall economic sentiment.

Global growth looking healthy

Despite numerous geopolitical threats (Eurozone elections, tensions between the US and China, North Korea, etc.), worries about the demise of the so-called "Trump trade" and shares being overbought and due for a correction at the start of the year, share markets have proved to be remarkably resilient with only a minor pull back into their recent lows. This despite a more significant fall back in bond yields. Partly this is because the geopolitical threats have not proven to be major problems (at least so far) and Trump remains focussed on his pro- business policy agenda (he has already embarked on deregulation and his tax reform proposals – while lacking in details – indicate that tax reform remains a key objective). More fundamentally though, markets have been underpinned by an improvement in global growth. This is likely to continue. 

Read more here

Rates: Where do we go from here?


The RBA provided no surprises following its April board meeting leaving the official cash rate on hold at 1.5%. The RBA remains more confident regarding global growth, see Australian economic growth as moderate, regards the labour market as being mixed, sees a gradual rise in underlying inflation and continues to see conditions in the housing market as varying considerably across the country, but sees recent regulatory measures as reducing the risks associated with high and rising household debt.

This note looks at the outlook for the cash rate, the impact of bank rate hikes and the implications for investors. Read more here

Trump Tantrum?

Since the US elections back in November, the 'Trump Trade' has sharply boosted global share markets, based on the promise of lower taxes, less regulation and other 'pro-growth' policies. After a lengthy period of economic 'stagnation' (not quite true), the prospect of Donald Trump ushering-in a thrilling, no-holds-barred period of Reaganesque optimism is an intoxicating idea, no doubt contributing to his election in the first place.

But is all of this about to come unstuck? Quite possibly.

With a Presidency already under fire for possible Russian collusion, bogus wiretapping claims and a myriad of other missteps, you could be forgiven for thinking that you've just stepped out of a time machine and it's 1974 all over again.

Nixon aside, Trump's massively eroded political capital and growing credibility problem points to short-term danger for the sharemarket. If Trump is no longer trusted, or even liked, his capacity to swiftly enact his pro-growth agenda is suddenly at risk, and with it, the quick sharemarket gains made since last November.

And Trump's first litmus test will be tonight's vote on his revised healthcare bill. If the vote doesn't pass or is post-postponed, markets will be rattled. Brace yourself, but don't forget the opportunities that come with uncertainty - we've been here before.

Rick Maggi


The long running soap opera around whether the Eurozone will break up is now into its eighth year!

In 2015 all the focus was on the latest Greek tantrum and last year the big fear was that the populist/nationalist Brexit vote and Trump victory would lead to a surge in support for populist parties across Europe and drive a Eurozone break up.

There was no sign of this in Spanish and Austrian elections, but this will be put to the test again with elections this year in the Netherlands, France, Germany and maybe in Italy.

The fear is that a Eurozone break up will plunge the world’s third biggest economic region into recession and financial chaos, which would adversely affect the global economy and Australia. Such a fear may be exaggerated – the UK hardly imploded after Brexit – but that’s the worry. 

Read more


From 1 July 2017, a range of super reforms announced in the 2016 Federal Budget will take effect.

For most people, the impact of these changes will be positive or neutral.

Super remains a very attractive place to save for retirement. And there may be opportunities to grow your super and retire with more.

If your income is below $250,000 (for 2017/18), while you build up your super, pre-tax contributions and investment earnings will generally continue to be taxed at the low rate of up to a maximum of 15%, not your marginal tax rate of up to 49%. 

Also, when you retire, you can still transfer a generous amount into a superannuation pension, where no tax is paid on investment earnings and payments are generally tax-free at age 60 and over.

Next steps...

Once you have read through this guide, you should consider making an appointment with your financial adviser. They can assess the impact the super reforms could have for you, as well as review your retirement savings plans and the strategies you are using. 

Beyond that, as we head towards the end of another financial year, now is a great time to see if there is anything else you could be doing to tax-effectively build and protect your wealth.

If you don’t have an adviser, you call us (Westmount Financial) on 9382 8885 to arrange an appointment. 

View a basic, 'at a glance' guide here.

Rick Maggi

China stabilises, iron ore surges

A year ago there was a long global worry list and high on that list was China. A nearly 50% collapse in Chinese shares, uncertainty about the Renminbi, slowing Chinese growth, fears of a massive oversupply of residential property and uncertainty about the intentions of Chinese policy makers had left many convinced China was heading for the long predicted “hard landing”. But since then it seems China worries have receded. So what happened? Put simply the Chinese economy stabilised. But what’s the outlook for China now? And what does this mean for investors and Australia? Read more

Where are we now?

It’s now a decade since the first problems with US sub-prime mortgages started to appear and nearly eight years since share markets hit their global financial crisis lows. From those lows in 2009 lows US shares are up 239%, global shares are up 167% and Australian shares are up 80% (held back by relatively higher interest rates, the absence of money printing, the plunge in commodity prices from their 2011 highs and the high $A).

An obvious question is how close the next downturn is, which ultimately relates to where we are in the investment cycle. 

Read more here

Rates Remain On Hold

As expected, the Reserve Bank of Australia decided to keep interest rates on hold at 1.5%. But according to Macquarie, we can expect two more cuts this year before economic economic conditions begin to turn around. Watch here.

Rick Maggi

honeymoon over?


Since the US election last November, US and global shares rallied around 8% and Australian shares rallied around 12%. But with Trump now inaugurated as President we are at a point where that optimism is being tested. Read on...

Key Themes for 2017...

Despite a terrible start to the year and a few political surprises along the way, 2016 saw good returns for diversified investors who held their nerve. Balanced super funds had returns around 7.5% which is pretty good given inflation was just 1.5%.

2017 is commencing with far less fear than seen a year ago but there is consternation regarding Donald Trump's policies, political developments in Europe and the growth outlook.

this note provides a summary of key insights on the global investment outlook and key issues around it in simple dot point form.

Read more here.