It’s complicated and confronting, but planning for Aged Care deserves your attention…
Caregiving can have a retirement sting...
Aged care changes released...
Aged care - what are the costs?
3 behavioural factors affecting retirement spending...
Role Reversal
...when your parents are relying on you!
As your parents get older, your whole family will be facing lots of changes. Supporting them during this time can be challenging, with lots of choices to be made. Get some tips to help you prepare for this role-reversal without it becoming a burden or a cause of family conflict…
2018 Federal Budget
Being Prepared for Aged Care
Scams: Be Aware
More than 105,000 scams were reported to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) last year, resulting in losses of more than $84 million. And that's just the tip of the iceberg: many more scams went unreported, often because the victim was too embarrassed to tell authorities about the crime.
To help combat the increasing number of scams, Macquarie Bank have compiled a list of the 12 most common ones they've come across.
25/02/16: Aged Care: Plan ahead
If the need for residential aged care is nearing, following these five steps will help you make a smoother transition. Aged Care 5 Steps to Consider Aged Care, Plan Ahead For The Care You Want
For more information, contact Rick Maggi at Westmount Financial on 9382 8885.