
Power Move Podcast (Ep. 3): Myth busting

Power Move Podcast (Ep. 3): Myth busting

Power Move is a three part series all about investing, brought to you by Future Women in partnership with Vanguard Australia. This article recaps the key points discussed in episode 3 with Rachel White, including common investing myths and how to get start investing.

Teens heading off to Uni: 5 Chats

Teens heading off to Uni: 5 Chats

With the HSC exams finished and new graduates about to begin the next stage of their education, perhaps it’s a good time to start thinking about a new challenge ahead: how your teenager will fund his or her life at university…

Australian Housing Downturn: How Bad?

Australian Housing Downturn: How Bad?

The housing cycle and house prices always incite high interest in Australia. Until recently it was all about surging prices and poor affordability – particularly in Sydney and Melbourne. Over the last year it’s turned into how far prices will fall and what’s the impact on the economy….

Australian Property Report 2018-2021

Australian Property Report 2018-2021

This property report, produced by QBE and BIS, provides an extensive, easy to read, analysis and forecast of the key drivers influencing the residential housing market nationally, as well as across each of Australia’s state and territory capital cities and selected regional centres…

Are shares too expensive?

Are shares too expensive?

Some commentators claim shares are way overvalued and so a crash is inevitable. As always, it’s a lot more complicated, but given the current turbulence in share markets it’s worth having a look at whether share markets are expensive or not as a guide to how vulnerable we are to further falls….

Pay rise? 10 Negotiating tips...

Pay rise? 10 Negotiating tips...

Do your homework for your next pay rise conversation with these ten tips to help you prepare your case and boost your chances of getting the right result…

Is An 'Itexit' Really On The Cards?

Is An 'Itexit' Really On The Cards?

AMPs Dr Shane Oliver takes a closer look at the potential impact of the recent Italian elections…

2018 Federal Budget

2018 Federal Budget

The 2018-19 Budget will be the last before the next election (due by May 2019) and so had to provide pre-election goodies, but in a way that keeps the return to surplus on track. Read here for a complete run down…

True Advice Versus 'Product Sellers'

True Advice Versus 'Product Sellers'

In the wake of the Banking Royal Commission, the distinction between ‘product sellers’ and real Financial Advisors seems to have been lost on the media and legislators. With the misdeeds of a very few, an entire profession (there are 18,000 financial advisers in Australia) has been unfairly tarred with the same brush, and left to pick up the pieces…