Financial Planning

Teens heading off to Uni: 5 Chats

Teens heading off to Uni: 5 Chats

With the HSC exams finished and new graduates about to begin the next stage of their education, perhaps it’s a good time to start thinking about a new challenge ahead: how your teenager will fund his or her life at university…

A Guide To Super Contributions

A Guide To Super Contributions

As well as super guarantee payments from your employer, there are all sorts of ways to save more into super and boost retirement savings. Find out more in our comprehensive super contributions guide…

Spend Less: 7 Mind Hacks

Spend Less: 7 Mind Hacks

When it comes to spending money, your brain has a whole A to Z of biases steering you towards splashing out instead of sticking to your budget. Find out how these mind habits work and learn hacks to help you get the better of them…

Will history be on our side in 2019?

Will history be on our side in 2019?

The All Ordinaries Index finished 2018 down 6.7%, the first negative year since 2011. Over the last 40 years the sharemarket has produced negative returns 8 times, and on 7 occasions markets rebounded the following year. Is history on our side in 2019?

What happened??

What happened??

Local share markets are now at a 22-month low. So what just happened and where are we headed?

Your No 1 Financial Focus, Decade By Decade...

Your No 1 Financial Focus, Decade By Decade...

Everyone has a different life journey they’re on. But getting on top of key financial goals as you follow your own path could see you enjoying a more comfortable lifestyle and being ready for the next chapter to begin. Read our guide to getting all your money matters sorted out, one decade at a time…

Are shares too expensive?

Are shares too expensive?

Some commentators claim shares are way overvalued and so a crash is inevitable. As always, it’s a lot more complicated, but given the current turbulence in share markets it’s worth having a look at whether share markets are expensive or not as a guide to how vulnerable we are to further falls….

One income or two?

One income or two?

Living on just one income can be a challenge whatever the circumstances. For singles and couples, with or without children, budgeting for all your household expenses is easier when you take steps to manage your money in a different way…

Australian Economy: 5 Things You Should Know...

Australian Economy: 5 Things You Should Know...

For years now, many have told us that Australia is heading for an imminent recession. By contrast official forecasts have long been looking for several years of above trend growth. In the event neither has happened and we don’t see them happening anytime soon. Against this backdrop there are five things you should know about the Australian economy…

9 Keys To Successful Investing...

9 Keys To Successful Investing...

In the rough and tumble of investment markets its very easy to get distracted: by talk of the next best thing that will make you rich, by the ever-present predictions of an imminent crash, by the worry list that constantly surrounds investment markets relating to growth, profits, interest rates, politics, etc…