Goal Setting

E+R=O, a formula for success

E+R=O, a formula for success

Combining an enduring investment philosophy with a simple formula that helps maintain investment discipline can increase the odds of having a positive financial experience…

Money & other family values...

Money & other family values...

At a time when spending is becoming ever more streamlined, it’s even more important for kids to understand the value of money. But how can parents and schools teach important money lessons without making kids feel anxious about not having enough or want more than they really need? Discover tools and concepts that can help with financial literacy, at home and in schools...

Share your goals for a stronger relationship

Share your goals for a stronger relationship

So you’re convinced that love conquers all and money matters can’t possibly come between you and your partner. Some recent stats about from Relationships Australia might make you think again...

Can you afford not to have a plan?

Can you afford not to have a plan?

Many people wonder if they can afford a financial planner, or whether they even have enough money to justify one. As Simon Clifford writes, people can't afford to not have a financial planner, or a plan...

Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well

As we move towards a cashless society, how do we teach children that money comes from hard work and good financial management and not some magic money pot in the sky?

The True Value of Advice

The True Value of Advice

Does investing in a financial planner really pay off? According to the latest research from Sunsuper you could be thousands of dollars better off when you make choices based on professional financial advice. Plus you’ll take more family holidays, have greater peace of mind and more confidence in your financial decisions...

Mini-retirement: Where do I sign?

Mini-retirement: Where do I sign?

Think a mini-retirement sounds like a pipe-dream? If you daydream about having the time and energy to get through your bucket list while you’re still young, it could be time for the blue-sky thinking and practical planning that can make it happen...

Teen heading off to Uni?

Teen heading off to Uni?

5 Vital chats to have...

With the HSC exams finished and new graduates about to begin the next stage of their education, perhaps it’s a good time to start thinking about a new challenge ahead: how your teenager will fund his or her life at university.

Of course, you can always give your childs a helping hand with their finances during this time. But it’s also important to get them ready to stand on their own two feet during and after their studies.

For some parents, this may be a great opportunity to have those crucial chats about money and the financial workings of the world.

Frugal February - How Much Could You Save?

Frugal February - How Much Could You Save?

It’s the shortest month of the year so what better time to make a change and save some money? We’ve got three tips for each of the next four weeks to help those dollars pile up in Frugal February...

5 issues to consider before tying the knot...

5 issues to consider before tying the knot...

Before your big day, much of the financial talk may have been around budgeting for your wedding and planning your honeymoon. But while not nearly as exciting, there’s another vital part of your new partnership that should be considered: your future finances.

Finances can be one of the biggest sources of stress and tension in a marriage. However, open communication and careful planning now can help you avoid many problems down the road.

Here are five important areas to examine before you walk down the aisle:

Goals: A New Sense of Progress

Goals: A New Sense of Progress

Chances are, you're thinking about 2018 - most of us do this time of year. It's a great time to regroup and hit the refresh button to get a clean start, especially if this year didn't quite work out how you thought it would...

Goal Setting: It really works

Goal Setting: It really works

Deep down, we all know that New Year's resolutions just don't work. Consider the empirical data…

* 25% of people abandon their resolutions after just one week. * 60% of people abandon them within 6 months. * The average person makes the same resolutions 10 times without success. * Even after a heart attack, only 14% of patients make any meaningful change around eating or exercise...

Mistakes To Mastery (Free eBook)

Mistakes To Mastery (Free eBook)

Life doesn’t revolve around money. Lots of other things - like family, friends, and health - can be much more important to you than your bank balance. But some personal goals are hard to achieve if you don’t have much money. That’s why the FPA have put together this handy guide to getting to grips with the do’s and don’ts of your finances...

Financial Planning: Goals based investing 101

Financial Planning: Goals based investing 101

Why do we invest? Why do we put money in the bank? Is it simply because we should or we’re told we’re should? No – it’s because it helps us to achieve our goals.

Goals-based investing is increasingly popular as a financial planning strategy – it’s a pathway to financial freedom and choices such as the chance to travel, provide our kids with a good education, purchase things we love, build our homes and create foundations for our future.

So how does it work and how can you make goals-based investing work for you?

Investing: Cautious optimism better for your health...

Investing: Cautious optimism better for your health...

At the start of last year, with global and Australian shares down around 20% from their April/May 2015 highs, the big worry was that the global economy was going back into recession and that there will be another Global Financial Crisis (GFC). Now, with share markets having had a strong run higher, it seems to have been replaced by worries that a crash is around the corner and this will give us the global recession and new GFC that we missed last year!