Whether you’re struggling to make ends meet or living comfortably, saving money can be something you’ll be finding hard to do. In her new book “Mind Over Money: The Psychology of Money and How To Use it Better” BBC broadcaster and psychologist Claudia Hammond shares insights into how we can change our ways when it comes to budgeting, spending and saving more for a rainy day...
Market Update: Bubbles, busts, and bitcoin
The real cost of retirement
When you’re looking at saving and planning for retirement, it’s important to know how much you can expect to be spending. The latest retirement standard figures and other data sources can give you an idea of the cost of retirement, but what else do you need to take into account to ensure your financial wellbeing?
Grow Your Wealth & Make A Difference
...you can do both. After decades in the investment wilderness, the jury is finally in - 'ethical investing' works, and is rapidly gaining in popularity...
Retirement: Seniors are doing it for themselves
Newcastle-based lawyer Lyn Lucas has been practicing family law for 25 years. She is also 76. Lucas studied law as a mature age student, and seven years ago created an online legal practice, Online Divorce Lawyer. This came about as she was looking to lessen the stress of practising law full time...
A Better Retirement
Today, with Australians living longer and healthier lives, the concept of retirement is much different to what it was only one generation ago. For each retiree, retirement is different.
Typically, there are four areas that need to be considered to help you better understand your retirement goals and objectives. These are...
Retirement: Life after work
Income & Dividends: The search for yield
Investing: What is an index?
Insurance: Income Protection - Stay Ready
As Warren Buffett once said: “There seems to be a perverse human characteristic that makes easy things difficult.” This has particularly been the case with investing where complexity has multiplied with new products, new ways to access various investments, tax changes and new regulations, all with social media adding to the noise. But it’s really quite simple and this can be demonstrated in charts...
Updating Your Family Trust
Grab yourself a cup of coffee for this particular article, because you're going to need one. This note focuses on the importance of staying on top your family trust deeds. It's a little lengthy but please stay with me on this if you can - and if not, just call me and I'll point you in the right direction...
Defining Enough
Do all your future plans rely on having a lot more money than you do now? If the answer is yes, it might be time to think carefully about your values so you can put together a realistic financial plan that will bring you closer to the sort of life you want.
Planning for your financial future doesn’t have to be about chasing more money. Achieving a real sense of having enough to feel comfortable and happy is more about understanding what’s important to you and then managing your finances accordingly. So just how much is enough for each one of us?
ESTATE PLANNING: A cautionary tale...
Many people approaching retirement with elderly parents and adult children are feeling the pressure on their time and finances. Find out why it’s important to put your own wellbeing first.
Thanks to the twin trends of growing life expectancy and rising house prices, more and more people are finding themselves joining the ranks of the sandwich generation. Recent estimates put the number of Australians in the sandwich generation at more than 1.5 million1. That’s a lot of people juggling the responsibilities of aged care, child care and often a job too.