
Is a US recession imminent?

Is a US recession imminent?

Ever since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) there has been an obsession with looking for the next recession…

Salary Sacrificing

Salary Sacrificing

Maybe you’ve heard about salary sacrifice as a way to increase your retirement savings. But did you know it can be a very tax-effective way to make voluntary super contributions? Find out how you could boost your retirement savings and pay less tax all in one go…

Global Debt: Be alert, but not alarmed

Global Debt: Be alert, but not alarmed

As global interest rates bottom, concerns about rising inflation and interest rates, quite naturally, come to the fore, particularly in a time where global debt (country, corporate and personal debt) are an all time high. So as investors, retirees and superannuation members, how concerned should we be? AMP’s Dr Shane Oliver gives 7 reasons to be alert, but not alarmed…

E+R=O, a formula for success

E+R=O, a formula for success

Combining an enduring investment philosophy with a simple formula that helps maintain investment discipline can increase the odds of having a positive financial experience…

The Benefits of Infrastructure

The Benefits of Infrastructure

Many investors know that infrastructure generates strong and reliable cash flow streams, yet fewer investors appreciate the sheer scope and dynamism of infrastructure and the range of opportunities that it presents to investors...

Laterpreneurs: Encore careers

Laterpreneurs: Encore careers

Once upon a time, people went out, got a job and stayed there for the rest of their working lives. But “a job for life” is no longer an option for most working Australians.

Changing careers, going out on your own and pursuing a dream to become self-employed has become the reality for many. The amount of co-working spaces that have opened up in major cities is evidence that more people are working for themselves and starting their own businesses...

Will you be renting in retirement?

Will you be renting in retirement?

Is owning your home the best option for your senior years? Discover why renting in retirement could be on the rise and explore some advantages of being a tenant in later life...

Why All The Share Market Volatility?

Why All The Share Market Volatility?

The return of inflation has been mentioned quite a lot recently as a reason why share markets are jumpy all of a sudden, by what has the return of inflation in the United States really got to do with share market volatility?




(Originally posted on 24 November 2016)

The 9 Habits of highly ineffective investors...

As the Trump rally continues, its important to stop, take a deep breath and think about potential pitfalls going forward as the fear of missing out and 'animal spirits' take centre stage.

Many of the mistakes investors make are based on common sense rules of thumb that turn out to be wrong...