Small Business

$500k Lifetime Limit Scrapped


The Government today announced major changes to the superannuation package contained in the 2016 budget, including scrapping the backdated, lifetime cap of $500,000 on non-concessional contributions (NCCs). However, anyone with over $1.6 million in super will not be allowed to make further NCCs. Today’s announcement includes several other changes.

The full announcement by the Government is attached here.

The announcement does not change the lowering of the concessional contribution to $25,000, and with the reduction in NCCs from $180,000 a year to $100,000, weaker flows into superannuation than in the past can be expected. It’s likely to hit SMSF inflows harder, since these are generally used by wealthier investors who can afford the extra contributions.

Read a full summary of the superannuation package here.

Interest Rates Steady


The RBA has resolved to keep interest rates on hold at 1.5 per cent ahead of a possible US rate hike on 21 September and the release of Australian CPI figures on 26 October.

As expected, RBA governor Glenn Stevens’ final meeting before handing over the reins to his successor Philip Lowe proved to be uneventful.

The decision to keep rates on hold was in line with market expectations, with the ASX 30 Day Interbank Cash Rate Futures September 2016 contract pricing in a 95 per cent chance of ‘no change’ to the cash rate.

UBS chief economist Scott Haslem said the RBA is likely to remain on hold for the “foreseeable future” given firm growth data, a likely lower trend in the Australian dollar and concern about financial stability.

“While inflation will remain low, core inflation is likely to drift modestly higher from here,” Mr Haslem said.

The ANU Centre for Applied Macroeconomics Analysis (CAMA) Shadow Board attached a 57 per cent probability to 1.5 per cent being the correct policy setting.

“The CAMA RBA Shadow Board clearly believes that the cash rate should not be cut any further,” said the Shadow Board. “After the RBA’s decision in August to cut the cash rate to a historic low of 1.5 per cent, there is good reason to pause.

“Unemployment fell slightly, but only because of a large increase in part-time employment. With consumer price inflation equaling 1 per cent year-on-year, well below the RBA’s 2-3 per cent target band, and wage growth a modest 2.1 per cent year-on-year, there exist little immediate inflationary pressures,” said the Shadow Board.

Rick Maggi

The Great Policy Rotation

The Great Policy Rotation

For the last two decades, advanced country central banks have been focussed on price stability and have played the first line of defence in stabilising the economic cycle whereas fiscal policy has played back up, focussing more on fairness and efficiency. But we are starting to see debate about whether a new approach is needed. AMP Capital's Dr Shane Oliver discusses what a shift in policy approach (from monetary to fiscal policy) might mean for investors.

Scams: Be Aware


More than 105,000 scams were reported to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) last year, resulting in losses of more than $84 million. And that's just the tip of the iceberg: many more scams went unreported, often because the victim was too embarrassed to tell authorities about the crime.

To help combat the increasing number of scams, Macquarie Bank have compiled a list of the 12 most common ones they've come across.

See the list here

2016/17 Federal Budget


As usual, the pre-Budget fears and scaremongering turned out to be largely unwarranted. With a significant focus on superannuation, last night's Federal Budget was in many ways a relief to the majority of Australians with superannuation and pensions. In fact, there were a number of positive proposals put forward like the removal not the work test and the reintroduction of tax deductible personal super contributions (up to $25,000). 2016-2017 Federal Budget Summary

For more information, contact Rick Maggi on 9382 8885 or



There will be added interest in the Federal Budget announcement next week (May 3rd) as it's likely to be the final major economic statement the Government makes before the election later this year, quite possibly July 2nd. With the opposition taking a strong stance on capital gains tax and negative gearing, we're looking at a focus this year on taxation. Corporate tax could be cut by up to 1.5% however, there is likely to be minimal, if any, relief in terms of personal income tax.

There may also be some changes to superannuation. Some potential changes might be reduced contribution caps, the concessional 15% tax on super contributions, an end to 'Transition to Retirement' pensions and taxes on superannuation pension payments.

Overall, the outlook is for minimal growth in government spending, with spending offset by savings elsewhere in the Budget.

Where sharemarkets are concerned, historically we have seen some sideways tracking in past election years, but there has been no evidence to date of a lasting impact caused by an election. In fact, Australian economic growth has actually been strong during election years since 1980.

We'll be watching the announcements closely next week and will keep our clients informed of any meaningful developments.

For more information, contact Rick Maggi on 9382 8885 or

AUSSIE DOLLAR Up (for now)...


At the time of writing, the Australian Dollar is sitting on $US0.770, which begs the question - what on earth is driving it? Read more here

For more information, contact Rick Maggi on 9382 8885 or

14/12/15: Retiring from a small business?

Selling a small business can be a challenging, complicated and uncertain time. So too can retiring. Combine the two and you have a situation where early planning and advice is critical. Retiring from Small Business

For more information, contact Rick Maggi at Westmount Financial on 9382 8885.

Rick Maggi Westmount Financial Clear Focus. Better Solutions.

26/11/15: How well protected is your business?

Business Insurance essential...

If you're like many business owners you have already insured the physical assets of your business from theft, fire and damage. But have you considered the importance of insuring yourself - and other key people in your business - against the possibility of death, disability and illness.

Not being adequately insured can be a very risky oversight, as the long term absence or loss of a key person can have a dramatic impact on your business and your financial interests in it.

Read more here

For more information, contact Rick Maggi at Westmount Financial on 9382 8885.

Rick Maggi Westmount Financial Clear Focus. Better Solutions.