Event Driven Update

Trump Tantrum?

Since the US elections back in November, the 'Trump Trade' has sharply boosted global share markets, based on the promise of lower taxes, less regulation and other 'pro-growth' policies. After a lengthy period of economic 'stagnation' (not quite true), the prospect of Donald Trump ushering-in a thrilling, no-holds-barred period of Reaganesque optimism is an intoxicating idea, no doubt contributing to his election in the first place.

But is all of this about to come unstuck? Quite possibly.

With a Presidency already under fire for possible Russian collusion, bogus wiretapping claims and a myriad of other missteps, you could be forgiven for thinking that you've just stepped out of a time machine and it's 1974 all over again.

Nixon aside, Trump's massively eroded political capital and growing credibility problem points to short-term danger for the sharemarket. If Trump is no longer trusted, or even liked, his capacity to swiftly enact his pro-growth agenda is suddenly at risk, and with it, the quick sharemarket gains made since last November.

And Trump's first litmus test will be tonight's vote on his revised healthcare bill. If the vote doesn't pass or is post-postponed, markets will be rattled. Brace yourself, but don't forget the opportunities that come with uncertainty - we've been here before.

Rick Maggi


The cooling in the Sydney and Melbourne property markets evident in late 2015 in response to macro prudential tightening deployed by APRA has proved ephemeral.

Price gains have reaccelerated and auction clearance rates & lending to property investors have rebounded.

Over the last five years Sydney dwelling prices have risen a ridiculous 73% and Melbourne prices are up 47%. As a result the Australian housing market continues to cause much angst around poor affordability and high household debt. This note looks at the main issues.  Read more


From 1 July 2017, a range of super reforms announced in the 2016 Federal Budget will take effect.

For most people, the impact of these changes will be positive or neutral.

Super remains a very attractive place to save for retirement. And there may be opportunities to grow your super and retire with more.

If your income is below $250,000 (for 2017/18), while you build up your super, pre-tax contributions and investment earnings will generally continue to be taxed at the low rate of up to a maximum of 15%, not your marginal tax rate of up to 49%. 

Also, when you retire, you can still transfer a generous amount into a superannuation pension, where no tax is paid on investment earnings and payments are generally tax-free at age 60 and over.

Next steps...

Once you have read through this guide, you should consider making an appointment with your financial adviser. They can assess the impact the super reforms could have for you, as well as review your retirement savings plans and the strategies you are using. 

Beyond that, as we head towards the end of another financial year, now is a great time to see if there is anything else you could be doing to tax-effectively build and protect your wealth.

If you don’t have an adviser, you call us (Westmount Financial) on 9382 8885 to arrange an appointment. 

View a basic, 'at a glance' guide here.

Rick Maggi

China stabilises, iron ore surges

A year ago there was a long global worry list and high on that list was China. A nearly 50% collapse in Chinese shares, uncertainty about the Renminbi, slowing Chinese growth, fears of a massive oversupply of residential property and uncertainty about the intentions of Chinese policy makers had left many convinced China was heading for the long predicted “hard landing”. But since then it seems China worries have receded. So what happened? Put simply the Chinese economy stabilised. But what’s the outlook for China now? And what does this mean for investors and Australia? Read more

Rates Remain On Hold

As expected, the Reserve Bank of Australia decided to keep interest rates on hold at 1.5%. But according to Macquarie, we can expect two more cuts this year before economic economic conditions begin to turn around. Watch here.

Rick Maggi

Top 10 New Year Headlines


What will 2017 hold? Our natural curiosity about the future makes a ready-made market for speculative media articles about events likely to drive financial markets in the coming year.

But the assumption driving much of this seasonal coverage is that the mere turn in the calendar from one year to the next justifies overhauling your investment portfolio, generating significant turnover and unnecessary cost.

Against that background, here are 10 perennial New Year headlines to watch out for in the coming weeks...

1. “New Year, New Portfolio”
This journalistic boilerplate trades off our desire for reinvention as the calendar year turns. The presumption is you should completely change your investment strategy as if you were updating your wardrobe.

2. “Different Times, Different Strategies”
This assumes that the world has changed so dramatically that the rules of diversification and discipline no longer work. If you’re persuaded, look at last year’s forecasts.

3. “Brace for Uncertainty”
Saying the future is uncertain is a bit like saying night follows day. In the past year, there was Brexit and the US presidential election. In the coming year, there are elections in Germany and France. In other words, there is always uncertainty and there is always plenty of scope for speculation.

4. “Interest Rate Fears Mount”
Conjecture about central bank policy is a hardy perennial for financial media looking to fill space. Thee irony is that market expectations about these movements are already incorporated into current prices.

5. “Ten Stocks to Count On”
What if you could whittle your portfolio down to a handful of stocks and get rid of the rest? It might seem like a nice idea. However, it is also a dangerous one as the lack of diversification leaves you open to idiosyncratic influences.

6. “The World has Changed Forever”
Actually, the world is always changing. Economies rise and fall, businesses flourish and perish, some investments do well, while others languish. The rules for dealing with that haven’t changed at all.

7. “The Right Moves to Make Right Now”
This headline assumes there is a perfect time to invest and, equally, a perfect time to cash in. Problem is there’s no evidence you can reliably time the market. And in any case, everyone’s needs are different.

8. “Make Your Portfolio Bulletproof”
The idea that nothing you invest in should be falling in value is certainly an attractive one. The truth is no portfolio is likely to be completely bulletproof. Some parts of the portfolio may outperform, others may lag. Hence the need for diversification.

9. “Invest with the Stars”
No, this isn’t your horoscope for 2017. It’s a headline regularly attached to profiles of the top performing stock pickers of the previous year. But while everyone loves a winner, how many of them repeat?

10.“Take Charge of Your Wealth”
Who doesn’t love do-it-yourself stories? Just buy yourself some trading software and play the currency market from your spare room. Alternatively, you could hire an advisor and get your life back.

The truth about these holiday front covers is they are usually cooked up in an editorial meeting a few weeks out from the holiday season. They’re easy to write. They’re timeless. They’re clickbait. And, best of all, you can recycle them year-to-year.

In any case, what you do with your investments shouldn’t change according to the news, but according to your own needs, goals and risk appetite. Decisions are better made under the guidance of an advisor who understands your circumstances.

That’s a better foundation for a happy new year

Jim Parker, 'Outside the Flags', Dimensional Australia

Rates on hold

The RBA has opted to leave the official cash rate on hold at 1.5%. This month’s Reserve Bank of Australia cash rate decision has just been announced; the last decision for this year in what has certainly been a jam packed 12 months. I’m pleased to share this update with you and the thoughts on why the Reserve Bank of Australia has made this call.

The RBA elected to adopt a wait and see approach over the Christmas and New Year period and has left the cash rate on hold at 1.5%. Between now and its next meeting in February, the Reserve Bank will weigh up a number of factors including the ‘Trump effect’ which some lenders are attributing to rising funding costs and consequently increasing fixed loan interest rates. Low inflation, slow economic growth, improving commodity prices, a stronger Australian dollar and ongoing concerns around some inner city property markets are among the other factors the RBA will need to take into account.

Rick Maggi



Good afternoon,

Yesterday $34b was wiped off the Australian share market (down 1.9%) and today $58b was put back on (up 3.3%) as investors took heart with President-elect Donald Trump’s conciliatory victory speech. The major winners today were resources, with BHP and Rio jumping by 8.2% and Fortescue 10.2%, buoyed by Trump’s plans to invest in large ‘rebuild America' infrastructure projects (roads, bridges etc.). 

But just as yesterday’s slump should have been taken with a grain of salt, the same logic needs to apply to today’s encouraging rebound, and until a clearer picture of Trump’s policies emerge, you should expect continued short-term volatility. However, there is little doubt that Trump’s policies (from what we know so far) will have an inflationary, higher earnings growth bent. And how bonds, property, shares and our currency might react to this new paradigm is hard to gauge at this point. 

However at the end of the day markets will work through those uncertainties as they do with all news - all opinions will be accommodated in prices and there is little that any one person can do to change that. 

Ultimately, when the news environment is at its hottest, successful long-investors must be at their coolest.

I’ll keep you posted.

Rick Maggi



Today’s US election results were a surprise to most and are likely to have a short-term impact on global share markets. Locally, our markets fell by just under 2% today, erasing gains made over the last two days - yes, after all of the media hysteria today (ie $34 billion ‘wiped off’ the sharemarket etc) markets are merely back to Monday’s levels.

Looking ahead, US markets look as if they might fall by roughly the same percentage this evening as investors weigh the potential pros and cons of a Trump presidency.

As we’ve seen before, these kinds of knee jerk reactions are typically short term in nature, so I would strongly suggest just ignoring the ‘noise’ over the coming weeks, and even consider taking advantage of market weakness, as long as you’re prepared to accept some short-term volatility.

We’ll continue to monitor the situation closely.

Interesting reading...

Shane Oliver

Bloomberg                                                                                                                                    Rick Maggi


US elections: implications for investors

Hillary's 11-point lead from just a few short weeks ago has since evaporated, with the two candidates now running neck and neck.

So what are the implications for Australian and global investors? Read more here

Interest rates remain on hold

Happy Melbourne Cup Day!

The Reserve Bank Board met today and decided to keep official interest rates on hold at 1.5%.

The recently released September quarter inflation data confirmed that underlying inflation at 1.7% year on year was broadly in line with expectations, with fruit and vegetable price rises being offset by lower petrol prices on average. This release is probably the key determinant of the RBA's decision.

Macquarie Bank forecasts the most likely timing of further interest rate cuts to be February and May next year, as inflationary forces remain subdued.

The last RBA board meeting for 2016 will be held on Tuesday 6 December.

Next stop, US elections.

Rick Maggi

54.2 million worries

We are going through one of those periods where it seems there is a long list of things for investors to worry about: the US election; the Fed; ever present fears about a break of the Eurozone; and China. This article, from Dr Shane Oliver (AMP Capital) discusses some of the very real risks out there and how to manage the noise and worry. Definitely worth reading.

Read more here                                                                                                                                  Rick Maggi

Interest Rates On Hold


Now that the weekend's grand final sporting festivities have come to a close, I'd like to draw your attention to today's rate announcement and the thoughts on why the Reserve Bank of Australia has made this decision. 

In making this call, the RBA has resisted temptation to further lower rates, opting instead to wait until the September quarter CPI data is released to allow it more time to measure the impact of the August rate cut.