
One income or two?

One income or two?

Living on just one income can be a challenge whatever the circumstances. For singles and couples, with or without children, budgeting for all your household expenses is easier when you take steps to manage your money in a different way…

9 Keys To Successful Investing...

9 Keys To Successful Investing...

In the rough and tumble of investment markets its very easy to get distracted: by talk of the next best thing that will make you rich, by the ever-present predictions of an imminent crash, by the worry list that constantly surrounds investment markets relating to growth, profits, interest rates, politics, etc…

Role Reversal

Role Reversal

...when your parents are relying on you!
As your parents get older, your whole family will be facing lots of changes. Supporting them during this time can be challenging, with lots of choices to be made. Get some tips to help you prepare for this role-reversal without it becoming a burden or a cause of family conflict…

Global Debt: Be alert, but not alarmed

Global Debt: Be alert, but not alarmed

As global interest rates bottom, concerns about rising inflation and interest rates, quite naturally, come to the fore, particularly in a time where global debt (country, corporate and personal debt) are an all time high. So as investors, retirees and superannuation members, how concerned should we be? AMP’s Dr Shane Oliver gives 7 reasons to be alert, but not alarmed…

Postgraduate education: Is it worth it?

Postgraduate education: Is it worth it?

So you’ve finished your degree - now what? With more Australians taking time to study for longer, find out if the benefits to your career and earning potential could be enough to make it worth investing in a postgraduate qualification…

Don't miss out

Don't miss out

In another sign that lenders may be getting "back in the game" for new lending, Bankwest have have just announced a 0.25% base rate reduction on their variable interest only investment loans. If you haven't reviewed your loans lately, you may be missing out, so call us for a second opinion or speak to Mike Hearn at Finance 56.

Don't Fall For It...

Don't Fall For It...

who can you trust with your money?

Opportunities to make your millions can come in many guises. Maybe you’ve been tempted to jump on the Bitcoin bandwagon or find a surefire way to become rich overnight. But it’s very important to fully understand the risks involved and seek sound advice before handing over your cash...

The True Value of Advice

The True Value of Advice

Does investing in a financial planner really pay off? According to the latest research from Sunsuper you could be thousands of dollars better off when you make choices based on professional financial advice. Plus you’ll take more family holidays, have greater peace of mind and more confidence in your financial decisions...

Teen heading off to Uni?

Teen heading off to Uni?

5 Vital chats to have...

With the HSC exams finished and new graduates about to begin the next stage of their education, perhaps it’s a good time to start thinking about a new challenge ahead: how your teenager will fund his or her life at university.

Of course, you can always give your childs a helping hand with their finances during this time. But it’s also important to get them ready to stand on their own two feet during and after their studies.

For some parents, this may be a great opportunity to have those crucial chats about money and the financial workings of the world.

Living the Good Life...

Living the Good Life...

Whether you’re twenty-something and single or married with kids, life is full of challenges and opportunities. How can you handle money better so you’re not held back by debts and financial stress? 

Interest rates unchanged

Interest rates unchanged

The Reserve Bank of Australia has today announced the official cash rate for February following its monthly board meeting. The RBA board has decided to keep the cash rate at 1.5 per cent, a move predicted by most industry experts...

Budgeting: Where does all my money go?

Budgeting: Where does all my money go?

The three biggest drains on our money are paying for housing, food and transport. And there’s no getting away from the fact that it is unlikely we can live without any of the “big three”. Here we look at some ways of how to save on these items...



With increasing debt and falling home ownership among the under 40s, their financial prospects are less than rosy.  If this trend is set to continue, young people are going to be needing financial advice more than ever to help them make the best choices for a secure future...