Wealth Accumulation



For the most part Trump the pragmatist has dominated so far. But we have clearly seen a swing to Trump the populist this year – raising risks for investors...

Is a US recession imminent?

Is a US recession imminent?

Ever since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) there has been an obsession with looking for the next recession…

Strong returns, but storm clouds gather...

Strong returns, but storm clouds gather...

After reviewing the returns of the last financial year, this note looks at the investment outlook for 2018-19 financial year…

Global Debt: Be alert, but not alarmed

Global Debt: Be alert, but not alarmed

As global interest rates bottom, concerns about rising inflation and interest rates, quite naturally, come to the fore, particularly in a time where global debt (country, corporate and personal debt) are an all time high. So as investors, retirees and superannuation members, how concerned should we be? AMP’s Dr Shane Oliver gives 7 reasons to be alert, but not alarmed…

Is An 'Itexit' Really On The Cards?

Is An 'Itexit' Really On The Cards?

AMPs Dr Shane Oliver takes a closer look at the potential impact of the recent Italian elections…

The Future of Working Mothers

The Future of Working Mothers

We explore some of the challenges currently facing working Mums in Australia and whether they can expect better career opportunities, rewards and work-life balance in the future....

Shares & Bonds: The Risks & The Rewards

Shares & Bonds: The Risks & The Rewards

A sell off in bonds and shares at the same time is not out of the question, but it’s likely funds are more prepared for this “double whammy” effect than they were in the 1990s, says Shane Oliver, AMP Capital’s Senior Economist...

The Benefits of Infrastructure

The Benefits of Infrastructure

Many investors know that infrastructure generates strong and reliable cash flow streams, yet fewer investors appreciate the sheer scope and dynamism of infrastructure and the range of opportunities that it presents to investors...

Share your goals for a stronger relationship

Share your goals for a stronger relationship

So you’re convinced that love conquers all and money matters can’t possibly come between you and your partner. Some recent stats about from Relationships Australia might make you think again...

How To Reduce Your Downside Risk

How To Reduce Your Downside Risk

The addition of indexing to a portfolio of actively managed investments may markedly reduce an investor's downside risk.  This very brief commentary is a little on the technical side, but worth a thought. Read on to learn more...

Why All The Share Market Volatility?

Why All The Share Market Volatility?

The return of inflation has been mentioned quite a lot recently as a reason why share markets are jumpy all of a sudden, by what has the return of inflation in the United States really got to do with share market volatility?

Teach Your Children Well

Teach Your Children Well

As we move towards a cashless society, how do we teach children that money comes from hard work and good financial management and not some magic money pot in the sky?

Australia: 5 Reasons Why Growth Will Be OK

Australia: 5 Reasons Why Growth Will Be OK

Australia continues to defy recession calls. Against this, economic growth is well below potential, with per capita growth running at just 0.8% year on year, which is below that in most major countries. So where to from here? And what will be the impact on interest rates? AMP Capital's Shane Oliver gives us his views for 2018 and beyond...

Beware of Money Envy

Beware of Money Envy

We might think that having more money will solve our problems. But by spending less time and energy sizing up our situation against how others live, we can get clear on the goals that matter and take steps towards a better financial future....